tioning very satisfactorily from the American
Society of Photogrammetry standpoint, and
as far as we know with ITC. All American
magazines which might have usable material
are being covered.
Joint annual meetings have been held each
year with the American Congress on Survey-
ing and Mapping, and each year the attend-
ance has increased. There were 1,200 in at-
tendance in 1956 and over 2,000 in 1959,
Exhibitors of technical equipment were in-
creased during this period from 45 to 65.
In addition to the annual meetings, semi-
annual meetings were held during the period
at Denver, Colorado and at St. Louis, Mis-
souri; these meetings were sponsored by the
local regional offices in these areas.
'The increase in the applications of photo-
grammetry by industry in the United States
has been reflected also in the increased inter-
est by educational institutions. Photogram-
metry has been included in the courses of
study of more and more universities each