Consider a rectangular block of aerial photography arranged as shown in Fig. 1.
The runs are parallel and at equal distances apart.
Run 1 ;
Run 2
Do eem anum umums -——— A—-— A— — — -— D
Run 3
RE — ——— — — —— o Ó— —À V
The position of any one point in the block can be expressed in terms of the co-
ordinate system x, y of the most southerly run, viz.:
ne eg of p oq. thes To nobuameo xi
in which & and s; are the strip co-ordinates of a point observed in run i, and d; the
ordinate of the point where the £-axis intersects the y-axis. Now the co-ordinates
of corresponding points observed in adjacent runs may be directly compared.
1. The internal adjustment
Let the observed co-ordinates x, y need the corrections Ax, Ay to give the
adjusted values x, y. Corresponding points observed in runs 1 and 2 should show
the same values after internal adjustment:
X1 —ci X9
or x, + Ax1 — Xa d- Ax»
which gives Ax1 — Ax» — —(41— x2) = AXi-2 ] (2)
Avr. 7 Ayı = —(y1 — y2) — AN io $ . * . .
The difference between the corrections to corresponding points in runs 1 and 2
is equal to the discrepancy between the observed values.
For the correction of the strips the following formulae representing second
order parabolae may be assumed to apply to the nadir points:
ie dey ee Uus ed, ertet i3)
Agz p. d gr. 1
Any other point will receive the correction :
AE = À Énadir -7 Tit. ; : (4)
d Aé
An = ANnadir +9 es
According to formulae (1) and (3) this may be written as:
Ax=ax+brt+c—n(2p-<+q) | (5)
Ay= p.a2+q.5+r+n7@a.s+b) $ 7070 5 /
Consider now a series of tie points between runs 1 and 2 which lie on a straight
line, so that
—3 — +2 = [Inlı,2 for all points along the tie line,
and & = & for each individual point.
For the lower side of run 1: A512 44.2? -- (b1d- 2]|9lu2- £1) * + (a+ Ins,
For the upper side of run 2: Ax» — as.a? -- (b3— 2lnl1,2-P2)4 + (ca— |mli,: