Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

|. B. HART Die EN der Photogrammetrie. Wissenschaftl. Zeit- 
2. B. HALLERT. — Fologrammetri, 1953. 
3, M. ZELLFR. — Traite de Photogrammétrie. 1948 
4. K. SCHWIDEFSKY. — Grundriss der Photogrammetric. 1950. 
5. A. Bi£RHAMMAR, — Adjustment of aerotriangulation. Photogrammetria ll. 1850-51. N° 4 
é P HauERr. — Basic Factors Limiting the Accuracy of Mapping and Aerotriangulation by Photogram- 
metric Procedures. Sixth Interim Technical Report. Mapping and Charting Research Lab., Ohio State 
University, 1954. 
Contribution to Theory 0] Errors for Double Point Intersection in Space. Stock- 
holm 1950. 
8. W.A. RADLINSKY. — Convergent and Low Oblique Photography and its application to the T winplex. 
Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 18, Number 3, June 1952. 
9. B. HALLERT. — Ueber die Genauigkeil der Luftphotogrammetrie. Stockholm 1956. 
10. B. HaLLERT, — Basic Factors Limiting the Accuracy of Mapping and Aerotriangulation by Photogram- 
metric Procedures. Fifth Interim Technical Report. Mapping and Charting Research Lab., Ohio State 
University, 1954. 

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