Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

With the aid of this expression and of earlier derived weight and correlation numbers, the expression 
for accuracy of height measurements in the various parts of the stereo-model may be established. 
Considering the law of propagation for standard errors, one obtains: 
2 2 2 
= x .- ]J^.- x.rd.dx ; ze l5]. 
“hn = (x-3 12 ) “yy « (3 214 & cu +2 b 5) 
JEL. 3.22 ( 
(5 211 %) LT am 
The standard error in height measurement is then obtained from 
Shr =A \/ nh (18) 
3.2. The influence of absolute orientation on accuracy of height measurements 
In the same way as in the system of equations (13), in the six elevation control-points the following 
correlations are obtained: 
dh, = dh, (19a) 
dh + » an = dh (195) 
o 2 55 
dh, + b.d7) = dh, (19¢) 
dh + dà = h4 1 (194d) 
dh, +5 an + d'df = ah (19e) 
dh, + b-dn + deaf = äh, (19f) 
The equations provide the following solution: 
df = «=f ( dh, *dh,,  dh,, - dh - dh, - anys ) (208) 
= i - ) 
47 = x dh, + dh,, - dh,, + any ) (20b) 
an, = Iz (zäh, Häh,, + dh,, +3dh,, Bas) (20c) 
From this we obtain the following weight and correlation numbers: 
1 1 2 Y 
Q m oe Q = —— Q = — (21a)-(21c) 
hoh, + 12 NN v? EE 3a? ) 
1 1 
Q _=-— Q =-—  Q = 0 (21d)-(21f) 
hon 2b hs 3d né 
2 2 
ee d D 2y x x (22) 
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in Aeri 
3) Ohlin, 
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