Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

Table 1. List of the coordinates x, y and the elevations 3 
vertical photography in Grimeton according to the measurements from 1957. 
dx, dy and dz are the corrections to the coordinates and elevations from 1956. 
of the control points for 
| Point x | y Z dx | dy dz 
| m m m mm mm mm 
10 | — 0.0004 0.0002 9.357 —0.4 0.2 9 
| 101 — 84841 | — 84993 9.550 —45 3.0 a 
| 5:102 —16.9734 | —16.9608 9.314 0.9 2.0 zs] 
| 103 —25.4727 | —25.4581 9.536 81 | 0.6 0 
104 -88.9028 | — 883.9028 9.524 2.6 | 22 —i 
105 —42.4424 | —42.8661 9.356 14 3.9 zl 
106 —51.9186 | —51.9788 9.462 92 | 2.6 -4 
107 —59.3 700 — 59.8881 9.498 0.8 21 —5 
108 — 67.872 — 67.8685 9.382 #18 —17 1:9 
109 S — 716.8380 9.968 15 0.0 —5 
| 110 — 86.2646 — 86.2640 9.385 0.5 | —28 ue 
|: 201 — 1.9815 8.8842 9.450 —1.9 e 1 
| 202 —16.9708 16.9462 9.406 00 | —19 4 
| £1903 —25.4419 25.4312 9.344 -29 | —08 4 
| 204 — 38.9101 33.9082 9.296 —-98. | 2.8 2 
| 205 — 42.4191 49.4898 9.138 20 23 2 
| 9206 | 51.8249 51.8059 | 9905 | —27 fi. 14 = 
| 207 59.3329 59.3349 | 9119 | 18 1.0 —1 
| 308 — 61.8505 67.8529 | 9.047 | 0.5 0.9 =9 
| 209 76.3302 765344 | 9109 | —14 2.0 =3 
| 310 — 86.1951 862726 | 9.068 | —18 | 43 d 
| 801 84095 | — 84109 | 9908 | —45 | —0.2 0 
| 802 169692 | —169741 | 9840 | —24 14 | 1 
| 808 25.0569 | —24.9939 | 10288 | —1.6 | 1.3 | 1 
| 804 33.9148 | —53.9055 | 10.228 | —18 | 5.1 | —d 
| 805 493942 | —424016 | 10178 | —12 | —19 | —6 
| 806 = 9240 | —51.9823 | 10116 | 4.1 | 4.9 = 
307 à 3537 | —59.8711 | 10.196 | 14 | 6.1 ~~ 
| 808 8611 | —67.8560 | 10.283 | 13 | 3.1 e 
| 809 6.3462 | 76.3291 10.486 | 0x | —21 = 
| 810 86.3027 | —861565 | 106098 | 87 | 9.5 —8 
| 401%) | 8.4200 | 8.5952 8955 |. — |. — — 
| 402 16.9895 | 16.9172 9.598 | 0.7 | —60 2 
| 403 25.4070 | 25.4157 9.552 60. | —03 0 
| 404 33.9278 | 889111 9.651 20 | —28 3 
| 405 42.3916 | 42.3986 9.664 LD. | 0.2 0 
406 = 9344 | 51.9256 9.607 12 | 25 | 1 
401 59.9514 59.3574 9.486 04V 12087 ly 
|. 408 | .. 678781 | 61.8102 9.366 041-251 1 
| 409 76.3824 | 16.3365 9.401 —16 | —45 | -2 
| 410 86.2563 | 86.2786 | 9.335 Li | —2.4 | —1 
| | 
|.un |.-soe | — eme |, sea... 09 |. 14 | 3 
| 158 2.2844 E: — 59.9180 | 10.086 — 2,0 | 41. |... —8 
| 452 — 1.9500 59.9130 9.626 —11"| 05 9 
[458 59.9808 | 20887 | 9.523 32. | 22 | —l 
) Not measured in 1957

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