Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

Table 5. Standard error of unit weight of the image coordinate measurements in 
the autograph A7 no. 310. 
| Circle v2 {314 PS [61 7408| |n 
Image Standard errors of unit weight in microns. 
Grid | 88] 298]1.89] 31 1.7 28; 23, 3.2 6.5 
c — 150 mm 31,234] 26.|:. 941 21/| 10| 33) 54 6.0 
isis 1881| e| ire sup sa 
Averaze. 25) 86132] 26] 24] 191.261 46]. doo 
| Average — 32 microns 
Eagle III 811 281391 25 179] 92 | 
c — 126 mm 19 | 54| 1.61 84 69| 7.5 | 
Plates 3.0 18 2.5015 3.5 bbh| 68 | 
Aere Ja 52/2748) Hat | d d 
Average for c— 126 mm: 4.3 microns 
» » = 150 mm: 5.1 S 
Film.-.- 54 | 49/-71|179 | 160 | 19.3 | 13.4| | | 
RMK P10 48] 28| 88] 25 44| 4.9 56 2.71 6.0 
c — 100 mm 481 86]| 80 ].9.7 38| T9| 64/ 12.6| 10.1 
711 251 321 26 41| 24 5.1| 8.9] 44 
Averazu | sat ao|aa|o5| 41| 501 571 641 en 
Average for c — 100 mm: 47 microns 
» » ce= 150 mn: 70 A 
R. C. 5 Aviotar| — | 2.6 3.0 | 5.5 9.4 | | 
c = 210 40 | 36! 55 | 66 8.2 
| 85.0531: 711.65. 11.5 
| | 47 | 5.0 | 47 | 54 | 110 pod 
| | 41 | 41 | 54 | 60/1104 Lad: a4] | 
| Average for c — 210 mm: 5.9 microns 
| » u ac £52,150 mm; 42 » 
Aviogon 98 | $41.85|.9.1| 18.8| 24.7 | 87.0. b1.8 
¢= 153 mm 62 | 44-82 85 64.69 6.7 8.0 
5.1 | 4.1 | 86 | 61 2.3 13.2 28.3 | 26.2 
frequently tested with a grid. Grid measurements were performed be- 
fore and after the series of image coordinate measurements. The pro- 
jected grid coordinates were measured for c — 150 mm in the same 
manner as the image coordinates and the computations were performed 
in exactly the same way. The upper part of the table demonstrates the 
standard errors of unit weight of three of the series of grid measure- 

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