cameras have wide angle lenses c = 150 mm and the format 23 X 23
cm. Glass plates, Ilford special lantern plate of high flatness and the
thickness 6 mm were used for both the cameras. In one of the cameras
also Kodak Aerographic Film Super XX was used. A series of various
filters were used at the photography. The measurements were perform-
ed in the SIP precision comparator and in the autograph A7 no. 310.
In the former instrument the images had to be measured in two sec-
tions, which then were transformed into one system with a coordinate
transformation before the application of the grid method. Further, the
enlargement in the SIP comparator was somewhat too large for the
actual photographs. For these reasons the measurement were mainly
performed in the autograph A7.
The computations were performed according to the grid method, In
the tables below the standard errors of unit weight of the image coordi-
nate measurements and the radial distortion amounts are demonstrated
for the plates and for the films. In the films a considerable affine
shrinkage was found to be present. Therefore the films were treated
also with different enlargement factors in the image coordinate direc-
4.21 . The plates
Table 8. Standard errors of unit weight of image coordinate measurements.
Camera: R. C. 5 Aviogon Lens. Ilford special lantern plates. No filter.
| | Radii in mm
Image no. | 150 | 296 | 448 | 592 | 740 | 900 | 102.6 | 118.6
Standard errors in microns
| | |
12 3235.1. 99. |] 56.1.42 92 | 586 5.5 4.0
13 88.110 1.7 6.7 36 | 94 3.5 3.5
14 8.2 3.1 3.9 2.9 94 dd l.S
141 4.8 71 >} 41>; " — 49 aad | 51 5.9
| Avergees | 96. | 55 | 55 | 46 |. 50 | 56. | 46 | 48
| 4.4, microns for c — 15 cm
| Camera: Eagle IX Ross Wide Angle Lens. Ilford special lantern plates.
Yellow filter.
15 |^. 51
5 6.9 3.4 18 1:354 64 1.9 5.4
16 3.7 2 1.5 61.1: 50 2.6 4.1 4.8
Nerasescils46^ | one c]uas [9 [302-145 | so ]54
5.7 microns for c — 15 cm