Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

Radial distortion. Aviogon c= 150mm Film 
Öland test field h = 5000 m 
dr” microns 
6 oc TT TT TO Fe 
o — TM 
— OT -—- 
40 UR == . 
iE “ -odr; 
20 P, 
z or 
T T g T T T T —> r’mm 
20 40 60 80 100 120 dr” 140 
40- Photograph 1 
60 dry 
dr microns 
T ——nn 
40 Photograph 2 ar 
Diagram 27. Radial distortion from the Oland test field. Distortion curves in the 
two coordinate directions and the averages. The influence of refraction and earth's 
curvature included. 
Table 18. Standard errors of unit weight of image coordinate measurements. 
mue |} I | 3 o ? 
Aic mage no. À | Image no. 2 
Radius | 38 d age ; 
126.6 13 | 17 
100.6 10 14 
89.5 4 | 13 | 
65.0 3 5 | 
44.8 7 | 8 | 
| Average ......| I 11 
As an average between the two photographs we find 9 microns. 
There is considerable increase of the standard errors with the radii. 
The combination with the radius 100.6 mm consists of 9 points. There- 
fore the standard error as determined from this circle has a consider- 
ably higher weight than the rest of the st: indard errors which were 
determined from combinations containing only 5 points. 
In order to compute the residual coordinate errors after an adjust- 
ment the combination 100.6 was used for the adjustment. Then the re- 
sidual coordinate errors were computed with the aid of the basic diffe-

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