Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

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Photograph 1 0,01 mm Photograph 2 0,01 mm 
Diagram 28. Residual image coordinate errors in photograph 1 after adjustment 
(including correction of radial distortion and affine deformation) of the discre- 
pancies in the nine indicated points. 
Diagram 29. The corresponding residual image coordinate errors in photograph 2. 
The affine shrinkage was found to be of considerable magnitude. In 
Table 20 below the affinity coefficients of the two photographs, com- 
de, — de, 
puted as _*  Y. are demonstrated. 
Table 20. diets cocificients 
7 Radius - | Image 1 _|. Image 2. 
mm | 9/00 9/00 
126.6 0.66 0.69 | 
100.6 0.65 0.61 | 
| 985 0.16 0435*- | 
| 65.0 0.78 0,96 
| ol 8 1. 27 1.00 
From measurements of the distances between fiducial marks the 
corresponding coefficient was determined to be 0.57 % as an average. 
Consequently a comparatively good nd of the affine 
shrinkage could be done from the distances between the fiducial marks. 
In Diagram 30 some results of radial distortion determination of the 
same camera from tower and air tests are demonstrated. 

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