Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

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Fig. 1. On this map of Liberia the LAMCO Joint Venture project is illustrated 
ight across the country connecting the interoceanic 
— the railroad line runs strai 
harbour of Lower Buchanan with the iron-ore mine of the Nimba mountains. 
to the town of Lower Buchanan. On that place an interoceanic port will 
be built up, fig. 1. 
In addition to these main objects a system of roads and some large 
community areas belong to the plan. 
The topography of Liberia is characterized as a general and rather 
gentle slope from the interior towards the Atlantic ocean. The highest 
point of the country, reaching an elevation of about 1400 m above the 
level of the sea, is to be found just in the Nimba mountains, close to 
the geologist camp of the company and locally called the Geologist Hill. 
The coast zone, between the elevation 0—200 m above sea-level, stret- 
ches landwards for about 50 km, then the hinterland zone, 200—400 m 
above sea-level, extends to about 200 km from the coast and, at last, 

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