Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

1 Bean, R. K.: Source and correction of errors affecting Multiplex mapping. 
aus WwW 
Photogrammetric Engineering, Nr. 2, 1940. 
Beyer, M.: Regional planering i Liberia (Regional Planning in Liberia), sten- 
ciled, 1957. 
Ekelund, L.: Some investigations into distortion of air cameras. Rikets allmän- 
na kartverk meddelande, nr 27, 1956. 
Cole, H.: The Liberian Year Book 1956. 
Gazik, M.: New Maps of Liberia. Photogrammetric Engineering, No. 2, 1957. 
Hallert, B.: Y-parallax measurements for investigations into the accuracy of 
aerial photogrammetry. Report to Commission IV of the International 
Society of Photogrammetry, 1958. 
The grid method and the y-parallax method for the determination of 
systematic disturbances in aerial and terrestrial photographs. Svensk 
Lantmäteritidskrift, Congress number 1956 and Int. Archives of Photo- 
grammetry, Vol. XII, 1956. 
'The influence of radial distortion and other systematic errors upon pho- 
togrammetric models from approximately vertical pictures. Svensk Lant- 
mâteritidskrift, Congress number 1956 and Int. Archives of Photogram- 
metry, Vol. XII, 1956. 
Über die Herstellung Photogrammetrischer Pläne. Stockholm, 1944. 
Results of y-parallax Measurements in a Wild Stereocomparator and 
some Additional Notes to the y-parallax Method for the Determination 
of Some Types of Systematic Disturbances in Aerial Photographs. Pho- 
togrammetria No. 2. 1958—59. 
11 Hellsten, U., Matérn, B.: Matematik. Tekniska grundvetenskaper. Ingenjôrs- 
handboken. Stockholm, 1953. 
12 Hothmer, J.: Possibilities and limitations for elimination of distortion in aerial 
photographs. The Photogrammetric Record. Nos. 12—13, 1958—59. 
13 Lundgren, B., Ekelund, L., Johansson, O.: Photogrammetrical Activities at 
The Geographical Survey Office, Stockholm, 1956. 
14 Tham, P.: Lens Distortion in Photogrammetry. Proceedings of The Royal 
Swedish Institute for Engineering Research, Stockholm, 1946. 
5 Liberian Aerial Photographic and Mapping Project. The Military Engineer, 
May—June, 1957.

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