Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

tside sources 
anted oscilla- 
ing and con- 
lerometers 1), 
ors is greatly 
oppler radar, 
systems — is 
n period. An 
equivalent to 
lum or Schu- 
t it oscillates 
>, consequent- 
irbances. The 
ial advantage 
atform (con- 
nd torques), 
1 can provide 
plete attitude 
m PVRU. 
: = : : : ; : af . PVR 
Fig. 25. Aeroflex inertial vertical; power supply and computer of the PVRU. 
In compiling this report, the author was assisted by members of the subcommission 
I3, particularly by Mr Eldon D. Sewell. 

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