zontal control
Aero Service
o 78, Ottawa.
ing. Proc. of
. Seminar on
uring system,
avigation sys-
of line meas-
rs’ conference
it. Emp. Sur-
.E. Trans. on
ar navigation,
1s. S. A.LE.E.,
navigation in
im scale map-
1 New Guinea
f Geodesy and
play and com-
Toronto 1959.
llowdale 1959.
ingng., XVIII,
jngmg., XVIII,
ation to photo-
>, Bildmess. u.
Ges. f. Luft-
No 5, October
surveyor, XIII,
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[54] ‘Levick, 'T,
[55] Stewart, W., ; ; EA
[56] Doyle, I Panel discussion on camera stabilization.
t J , *3
[57] Beck, R. I Photogramm. Engng., XXII, p. 646, 1956.
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[63] Klass, Ph. Inertial navigation. Aviation Week, 1956, No 1, p. 32. No 2, p. 42,
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[64] Andersen, E. W., Inertia navigation systems. J. Inst. Navigation, 1958, p. 231-
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[66] Horsfall, R. B. Stellar inertial navigation. I.R.E. Transaction on aeronautical
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[67] Nichinson, D. B., An automatic astro compass. Kollsman Instr. Corp. Navi-
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[68] Allen, L. D., Kearfott Co. Constant compass heading for great circle navigation
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[69] Burka, S. M., Polar Compasses, WADC. Navigation Mag. Vol. 4, 3, 1954.
[70] Eaton, E. P. Star trackers. Navigation Mag., Vol. 6, 1, 1958.