Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

Sensitive emulsion. The “Howlett philosophy” is of course to use whatever 
emulsion is used in practice. In the past this has been Kodak Aero Super XX or the Ilford 
equivalent, in Anglo-Saxon countries. This is the weakest point in the entire framework 
of the resolution test, because it is not possible to specify a standard emulsion which will 
always be available, and with improvements in technology the one-time standards will no 
longer be used in actual air photography. 
Even among current emulsions there appear to be measurable differences in thres- 
hold characteristics between the nominally equal commercial products, and in such a 
complex product as a photographie emulsion it would not be strange if one manufacturers 
product varied in turbidity and graininess from time to time. Now however, we are faced 
with the withdrawal of Super XX and its replacement by two quite different emulsions, 
Plus X and Tri-X, one of higher and the other possibly of lower resolution. How can con- 
tinuity be preserved, since it is not possible to continue the manufacture of an obsolete 
emulsion for testing purposes? It would certainly be possible to select a different kind of 
emulsion, e.g. Panatomie X or Ilford High Resolution, and start testing again from a 
new point, but there is no guarantee that this status could continue for more than a few 
years. This is a serious problem, which seems to make true standardisation impossible. It 
will be highly desirable to quote, for every camera or lens test, the limiting emulsion 
resolution as measured with a microscope objective capable of very high performance. 
(For low contrast testing, minor differences among objectives of the highest quality 
would not be significant.) 
Exposure and processing should call for no special comment, but experience of these 
has not been too satisfactory. It has proved very difficult to have sufficient care taken 
in various laboratories to ensure density, gamma and fog being held within reasonable 
limits. There is no technical problem, but precision in photographie operations seems 
hard to come by. 
Interpretation of results. Ideally, the images should be examined under 
the magnification which gives maximum resolution, thus involving a certain amount of 
trial and error at each change of size. In 
practical control of production, where the 
z^ |. {| | | | | resolution will fall within a known size 
2o | À | | (LENS N21| | NS bracket, it has been found better to specify 
YS TXT TT rivera T CE] a definite magnification and even a speci- 
1.6 rL— \ EMULSION V-G fic binocular magnifier and form of illumi- 
(a alo GAMMA so | nation. The difficulties of agreeing on a 
= | \ Ed | common standard of “resolution” are well 
9 TTY known. Added to the inherent difficulty of 
= 1.0 * \ fom deciding when an asymptotic curve reaches 
O 0.8 bY % oe fd its axis (Fig. 16) they limit the precision 
© o6 o N pb f 1 | | of resolution testing to a rather low order. 
N N | | Washer’s suggestion of using long line tar- 
o4 FON NU TET gets and doing microdensitometry to esta- 
0.2 Belt blish a more objective relation between con- 
>) | | | 
9 LL} Tmo xx) trast and frequency has not, apparently, 
o 20 40 60 80 100 been developed. It has great attractions, but 
Frequency in lines per mm. comes very near to frequency response, 
which may be the better solution in the 
Fig.16. (After Washer) Variation in long run. 
contrast for increasing line frequency in 
the image, for type VG emulsion and 4.3. 
three target contrast. 
Will the resolution test survive? 
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5. Tests 
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Archives 4

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