Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

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/00 + — }— 1— 1 -—— 
A004 ———]——1-:—— 
- Mean points 
300 ee --——- = Stand. dev. 
& e = Entire mat. 
So I O = Bad results excluded 
Fig. 2. 
definitely lower result (17,9 points compared with 19,0 points) a diff- 
erence which was still more clear when all real bad results were omitt- 
ed — 5,3 96 among the eyeglass-persons and 1,7 96 among the other 
had less than 10 points. 
9. 'The eye base seems to have a (roughly) proportional influence on 
the stereo vision quality. 68 persons with the eye base less than 58 mm 
had as an average 18,1 points and 470 persons with the eye base 58—69 
mm had 19,4 points. 
10. An attempt was made to find out any correlation between the 
number of points and the reason for the eyeglasses. After omitting 
8. Eyeglasses were used by 25 % of the tested persons. They had a 

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