U = distance in the horizontal plane, perpendicular to the principle line
small u = distance in the photo plane perpendicular to the principle line
V = distance in the horizontal plane along the principal line with principle
point as its origin
v = distance in photo plane along the principal line with the principle point
as its origin.
Through proper manipulation of equations 1 and 2, an expression of scale
change perpendicular to tne principal line can be defined by u and along
the principle line by u^ where u is the magnification factor and is given
by the following relationships:
u = A (3)
In this equation:
In the subject equipment, the above analysis lends itself to a
line scanning system which scans a photograph in a linear fashion perpen=
dicular to the principal line of the photograph. The first transformation
equation describes the conversion taking place along any selected line
parallel to the u axis. All such lines on a tilted photograph are constant
in scale, however, the scale of each line varies as v increases or decreases,
In both transformation equations, the rectified coordinates are functions
of the v coordinate, Because of this the coordinate v is considered an in-
dependent variable. Its uriform change is accomplished by means of a unie
form copy table motion illustrated in the lower left hand corner of Fig #20
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