Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

. Way we reach: 
From rectification the direction of the 
der it with the corresponding scale of heights. 
left on the ground-plan dX, and dy 
The: term € H represents the affined deformation of heights. We consi- 
The influences of term 
are unimportant. We take for 
s being 
H=40 % of 
2 and Ab, = 1 % of Z; the greatest deformation in direction of the axis X 
comes to 0,05 mm, in direction of the axis ¥ to 0,11 mm. The influence. in di- 
rection of Z is greater, sometimes even 1,9 4o 
of. Z. 
In terms of the second order only the scale variation is contained, the 
additional model deformations don't appear. 
2. Rectified Photographs on Stereo-sketchmaster 
Photographs are ideally rectified when 
94 = Qo = Wy = Wyo = ©. In this case we must 
consider the discentralization,of the princi- 
pal photo-points .(0,,0,) with regard to per-. 
forational points of perpendiculars (X,, Na) 
of both perspective centres with photo-plains 
(Fig.6) dx; = „für, dys = für, dX2 = -fü2 
and dy, = fus. 
We define the perforation N. for each 
photograph separately with the monocular ob- 
servation of floating mark. If we move the 
floating mark under the perspective centre in direction of the axis Z 
doesn't change its ground-plan position, then the perforation of ray to the flo- 
ating mark with the photo-plain defines the point jJ, 
and it 
we looked for. The point 
N of the second photograph is defined in the same way. Ir this manner we can 
consider the various eye-basis of different observers. We move the principal 
point O out of the centre of points 
dx, = dx, = dy, = dy, = 9. 
principal line and the nadir-distance n=ftgv 
are known. The point of a photograph, we cen- 
tralize on the instrument (¥), is on the mo- 
dified nadir distance 
cipal point O (Fig.7) in direction o; ,he 
principal line. 
Because of discentralization of the 
principal point we have to introduce the correc- 
tion of image distance too: 
cf at gay [ 
Adf = = (og * w') 7 
Adf « 0,5 mm 
Na and Na 
n =r n from the prin- 
for calculated amounts. 
y*. We don’t consider it when 
In this 
By elements of the inner orientation we orientate the photographs on the 
principal nuclear ray (x = x, = ©). 
The condition of the partial element 

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