Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

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We determine the parame ers A and y by solving the upper equations 
By their application we get. the space co-ordinates of the poi 
1 : 7 2 oint T* 
following equations: p T'by the 
Y! «A (X* BA, +d AX, ) = (U (N-Ex PA, + OX, Jib, | 
y A(y* Vy, vd V) e ( Y- by Pt dX eb 
Z'À(Z «VIZ, dZ,) -(«(Z-bu v dE), | 
.The.displacements of the point 7 in directions of co-ordinate axis, . we | 
.look for, amount to: 
gx xX - X, OyY-Y -Y, and |d2-Z7 -Z 
The displacements:caused: from an.unresumed inner orientation will be di- 
scussed. separately: from those ones: that originate .from an incorrect external o- | 
rientation of photographs: : 
dX= dX rd’ dYedyidy” di-dZradZ’ | 
. Index. I refers. to the.component, originated from the errors of inner ori- 
entation, the index 4 to the component originated from the errors of external | 
orientation. | 
The equations of displacements are formulated in such a way, that the 
errors of elements orientation appear directly as arguments. We took into account 
all. terms of the first and second order..Because: of a better clearness the equa- 
tions. are. given in tables: (table I and II). There are included all. terms of the 
first order and those: terms:of the- second. one. that-can take: considerable amounts. 
The other: terms of. the second. order. that.take.smaller amounts aren:t mentioned 
.on.this place.because of a great extent. 
For expressions. that often appear in equations, :the symbols D, & and n 
D X, bx 
= X- 6x = Z-bz 
Z, bz ; 7 
The terms in the rubrics have: to. be multiplied with the corresponding 
error. of the orientational-element :along :the-rubric. 
We are: going. to introduce in these. equations ..Z=const. and to take fixed 
amounts for the errors of the elements of orientations and. to calculate the 
rotation. displacements and deformations: for the horizontal model-plain. Further 
we shall take the: conditions. for the camera with normal angles, where. is Z=3b, 
and express: the displacements in the scale of the photograph. (Z=f=3b,). 
Space displacements for 9 characteristic points of model plain are calc: 
, DX , Ux bx : 
lated: 7,(0,0), T,(0,0x), T«(0,-bx), TA" 20), Tel, bx), Tol, -bX), 
Palux, 0), T5(0,,b,), and - fa(b,, -b,) 
For illustration only the terms of the first order are graphically shown. 
The influences of the incorrect inner orientation are shown on. the Fig.4a 
...4f; while. the Fig:5a...5h show plain deformations cause of the unresumed inner | 
In both cases it's possible to come near to deformations with the hyper- 
bolic paraboloid.

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