Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

Appendix C1 
Two known points atthe same height assumed, this height taken 
as datum for simplicity. It is required to find the rest and the 
camera station (U,V,w). 
If general pt has space coords (X5»Y52), photo coords (x,y), 
then write - 
Wi = 
2 2X + iy 
le Now, treating photos as untilted, one has, for photo pts in 
datum * plane - 
W = pz + Q where p is height and scale factor [Wei6] 
and q is principal Plos000 00000008 f 
[U+iv ] 
But pz W4 - Wo 
17 7o 
7 = 121, NES 
Zz - Zo 
Hence U z R["2?4 " "422 
21 - 292 
Again X -R = 7% Wo ' + U 
for a pt in a datum plane Z2 = O 
: w, - W 
t 2 = t: -. 1 2 Z + U 
ind X Ipzp z' R DT 
e 2 
Yo Yt! = 
Ye Il(a q)p'z'] 1| v, Wor | ov 
I [pzp'z'] 217 72 
er \nt 51 
2 = I[(pz * q-a')p'z ] W for a general pt, where - 
I[pzb'z!'] bars denote complex conjugates 
dashes the values for the 
adjacent photograph. 

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