Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

Guided initially by this idea the author evolved some forms of approximate solutions 
for the adjustment of rhomboids in connection with students’ exercises at the L.T.C. 
Furthermore he was encouraged in developing the following concepts while assisting in 
the preparation of a block of radial triangulation carried out at the Geodetic Institute 
of the Technical University in Delft. The main considerations which can guide the search 
for new methods of rhomboid adjustment and can pave the way for other solutions than 
those presented here are summarized as follows: 
The least squares solution is of no essential importance with regard to an increase 
of accuracy as the ten observations contain only one superfluous observation. This is also 
emphasized by the fact that in a rigorous adjustment method the weights and correla- 
tions of the observations should be properly considered which is not the case in practice 
up to now. Moreover, so far, few efforts have been made to correct for the systematic 
influence of tilt of the photographs which should be done before entering into adjustment. 
If, in spite of all this, a rigorous least squares adjustment with the simplified assump- 
tion of equal weights is applied in practice, and kept as basis throughout this paper, it is 
due to the methodical elimination of the discrepancies which is the second important 
property of least squares solutions. Hence deviations from a rigorous adjustment can be 
accepted if in return simpler and shorter computations are gained. 
A possibility for simplified adjustment methods, not used so far, is offered by the 
fact that the ideal rhomboid is square shaped. This ideal shape may serve as a first 
approximation or, preferably, can be used in the coefficients of differential quantities. 
Another consideration is that the angular adjustment of a rhomboid serves only as 
an intermediate step to find the coordinates of the points C, D, and E and has no 
independent importance. In this regard straight-forward solutions which yield the 
required coordinates directly should be preferred. 
In the following sections of this paper some of the possible solutions for the adjust- 
ment of rhomboids according to the above-mentioned general points of view are present- 
ed. They are marked by different degrees of deviation from the rigourous least squares 
solution and may be given preference depending on the shape of the rhomboids, the 
required accuracy, or the available computational means. 
The additional computations in radial triangulation, the formation of chains and 
blocks of rhomboids and their adjustment are beyond the scope of this paper. The treat- 
ment of these problems does not depend very much on the adjustment method applied 
for single rhomboids. 
2. Adjustment of indirect observations. 
Looking for a direct solution for the coordinates of the points forming a rhomboid, 
proceeding from the observed directions, the method which comes first to mind is the 
least squares adjustment of indirect observations (Standard Problem II according to 
Wi Tienstra). This means introducing nine unknowns for each rhomboid: three orientation 
unknowns for the sets of directions and two planimetric coordinates for each of the points 
C, D, and E. The points A and B are supposed to be known or can be assumed arbitrarily. 
| This adjustment problem turns out to be very simple if the ideal rhomboid is taken 
| as an approximation at the start. In this case even a general solution of the normal 
equations can be worked out which would give the coordinates of the corner points of 
the rhomboid directly from the observations, without any intermediate or preliminary 
i computations. Hence it would be an ideal solution from a methodical point of view. 
i Unfortunately it cannot be applied. The actual rhomboids depart by far more than dif- 
i ferential order from the square shape, therefore the assumed approximation is too much 
| id of a simplification. The errors in the resulting coordinates would be in the order of 5% 
a of the base b. 
ses i 

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