Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

140 - n-50 
100 — 
T T T I I I T 
n n n n 2n 3n mn n 
8 4 3 2 3 4 8 
Diagram 8. Stereo-radial triangulation. Standard errors of the x-coordinates. Bridging. 
8 = 1. 
After treating the expression (132) in exactly the same manner as 
the expression (131) was treated above we find 
p (n — p) [2 p (n — p) + 1 ; | | > 
Qn yRy == : n | : 6 p Q xc Q ut) "i^ b SM (145) 
After substitution of the expressions (103)—(106) and some rearrange- 
ments we find 
p (n — p) Ss 
Qn, RS 6 n (10 p (n — p) 4- 10 

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