Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

In the last term of the expression (216) dH, , means the error of a 
difference between two settings of the floating mark in the transfer point 
between two adjacent models. It must be particularly noted that the 
total errors refer to the elements of the external orientation only. For 
a determination of the errors of the model coordinates further transfor- 
mations are necessary as will be demonstrated below. 
3.11. Weight numbers and standard errors 
[f we assume the relative orientation to be adjusted in accordance 
with the method of the least squares and that the errors of the y-parallax 
measurements are of accidental character, the standard error of the 
expressions (211)—(216) can be determined in a wellknown way, which 
also was demonstrated by BACHMANN 1946. 
The weight numbers of the expressions (211)—(216) are 
QD, Dx, — n Qu, (217) 
pp, Dp, = n Qp (218) 
po, Do, — n Qu, (219) 
p? ; 
Q py, Dby,, = 6 (2 n— 1) (n T » n Qux + n Qui + b (n i 1) n Qux (220) 
Q pi; Dz, © a (2» — 1) (n — )) n Qao d- n Qu, 3-b(n —1)nQ,, (221) 
| pa pa 
Qpx, px, — Qgg (re +28 + jn+ = (2n — 1) (n — 1) n 4- 
"eM - 6h 
pa | Y2n+1)(2n-—1)n 
= [> h? (n = 1) "| TE Qui: 3 h? T 
| 2 b (h? + b?) 203 : p? o 4-194 1) 
2 4 3 — 2n n + 1)n; 
qu, | h? "TM 3 A? (s ) | 
(2m 1) (n BET (222) 
The last term of expression (222) refers to the accuracy of the eleva- 
tion measurements in the transfer points. The term is determined under 
the condition that the elevation measurements are performed stereo- 

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