Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

scopically and that the y-parallaxes are measured monocularly. If the 
same type of measurements is used for horizontal- and vertical parallaxes 
the last term should be 
(2 n -- 1) (n +1) n 
The standard error s, of the y-parallax measurements has to be deter- 
mined for the actual type of parallax measurements. 
For the case that the relative orientation was performed by y-parallax 
corrections (measurements) in the six usual orientation points the 
weight- and correlation numbers of the elements of the relative orienta- 
tion are demonstrated in (174)—(182). After substituting these ex- 
pressions into (217) —(222) we find 
Q ps, D, = 3 p (223) 
Qi = aqu (224) 
3 À* m s 
Qno Du, "ETT (225) 
(2n —1)(n —1)n  n(9M--8d!--12/93d3) (n — Un 
HET ns A: 298 
Coi, Diu, — 9 gH: 12d | 3 (229 
h? | 2n— U) (n— Un n (n — 1)n | 
Qi; Dbz, == d? | 6 T FT — 9 | (227) 
C nh^ b? \? nh? p? p? 
pr = | + — | + + 2 - 1 - 
ÓDX,DX, — gage \1 + qs GR RT ann N 
(2n+ 1) (n + 1) n 
+ (228) 
The standard errors of the elements of the external orientation can 
now be found as the standard error of the y-parallax measurements 
multiplied by the square root of the respective weight number (223)— 
For wide angle photographs, normal overlap (b — d — 0,6 4) and 

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