Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

Now we regard DH,, ,,,to be representative for the elevation error 
of the last model of the strip. 
The weight number is 
sq iz 
Quinn = Quo X (n — i + 12 L 0Q,,,, + 2 0096 X (n — 1 + 1) + 
7=l f=] 
72 A? 
+ (n — 1) e + (286) 
npn t 
NN 2 
It must be noted that DH is a sum of differences between two 
measurements according to (282) and that the elevation measurements 
are assumed to be performed stereoscopically but the y-parallax measure- 
ments monocularly. 
(n + 1) and the weight 
numbers (176), (177), and (180) we find for b — d 
Quin, op n En — 3) (287) 
According to HALLERT 1957 c the influence of the errors of the first 
model upon the elevations in the center line of the strip can be expressed 
by the weight number 
. h? 3 h? La h? hm ) h? 3 h? 
( x È — pk + | | 
ii 2 b2 (2 2 \ 3 bd? b? q? 2 q? 2p? 
hA (b2 — h?) 
a (288) 
b4 d? 
For x = bn and b d 0,6 h we obtain after adding (288) and (287) 
with some minor approximations for the center line 
unin n* + 6 n° 10% + 32 (289) 
The standard error is 
» > 
ny, 20 | Q nun (290) 
(290) is graphically demonstrated for s, | in diagram 15. Evidently 
the errors of the elevations along the edges of the strip will become 
somewhat larger than in the center of the strip. 
The increase of the errors can be expressed as additional weight num- 
bers. As is demonstrated in (231) the increase will primarily be caused 

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