Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

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db Dan (295) 
b hal arabn 
Next, corrections can be computed to the preliminary x-coordinates 
along the strip. For this purpose the formula (17) is used in which the 
corrections (294) and (295) are inserted. For an x-coordinate pb of the 
photograph p we get with a certain approximation the correction 
Cx, = — — Dx (296) 
p n 
After adding the correction (296) to the error Dx, of the x-coordinates 
of the photograph p we find the residual error Rx, as 
Rx, = Dz, - N D. (297) 
Substituting Dz, and Dz, from (216) we find after some rearrangements 
Ry, = hDq p + DX, : ; (hDq n i DX,) (298) 
After substitution of (212) and (216), further of (215) and some re- 
arrangement we find 
h R i=p 1 p i=p 
«A Ag, = —b 3 (1 + 9 — à) de. + bX (1 + = ) do. 
b V Yp A 2 ) dep; n ^ A. t) d; 
P l n ; i p 
d b X 1+n-— i)dg; — (2 p — 21 + 1) dbz, 
n i=p+1 i=1 
pP? : p in : 
+ X 2n-—2i+1)dbz; 4 2 (2n-—2i+1)dbz,; 
n i1 n ; p+1 
E pi» 
— À (p— + 1)dH, | + > (n V -- 1) dH; , 
i=1 n t=1 
p 1 n : 
En > (n—i+1)dH,, (299) 
^ à—p-41 

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