EEE ae
Tabel 1. Test work calculation of cut and fill.
| EET "Seton 19/010-—2)/000. |
| earth quantities | Differences in relation to measarement I
| Measurement m3 | >
| m %
| BO EA ER eee EN
| cut | fill burgi cut: |: fill surplus, cut | fill surplus
| | | |
| To une: | 83 660| 41 164, 42 496, 030 0 0-0 0
IT |. 6s | 84 865| 40 459| 44 406 .--1205|- 105--1910| +14 | —1.7 | +45
F.... 84 839| 42 229] 42 610.41 179+1 065+ 144| +1.4 | +2.6 | +0.8 |
| | Section 20/000—21/000
| Measurement. earth quantities Differences in relation to Teme IT
| | cut | fill surplus cut fill surplus cut | fill surplus
| | | | | |
u dob. bens |o 121| 20674 348 0| o |. 9 «0-4. 9. ..0
IR eee. | 60 124| 20 603| 39 521! +3 | {1 |. +74 |.,O |+08 |..02
| | Section 19/010—21/000
| M | earth quantities | Differences in relation to measurement II
| Measurement | 3 | 3
| m | m | 9 |
| cut | fill surplus) cut | fill surplus. cut fill surplus,
T —
HD. vn 144 986/61 133 838563 0 0.0 70 0 0 |
Wu e. (144 963/62 832, 82181| —23 |-1699|-1122| 0 42.4 2.1 |
I. — Team I
II — Team II
F — Photogrammetric measurement.
amounted to 9 hours, 2 men being employed. For the conventional mea-
surement II in the field 15 days were required and the measuring team
consisted of 5 men.
Finally, it emerges from the test that the saving in time and expendi-
ture grows with the degree of difficulty of the terrain.
Combination of photogrammetry and electronic computation
The measuring and recording of the large quantities of numerical
data involved in road-planning is monotonous and tiring work, and the
risks of errors due to the human factor are correspondingly great.
Furthermore, it will be possible to increase the accuracy of the photo-
grammetric data by the adding of certain corrections to the same. The
effect and the accuracy of instrument setting are also increased if the
operator does not need constantly to adjust his vision from the infinite