accepted then the argument in favour of APR control for mapping within the
stated tolerance can hardly be disputed, taking into account the very large saving
in time and cost over any other method.
The author is much indebted to the Federal Government of Nigeria, the
Electricity Corporation of Nigeria, and Messrs. Balfour, Beatty for
permission to publish this report, and to the aircrew and photogrammetric
specialists responsible for carrying out the work, who have contributed the
majority of the information contained in the paper. Particular mention
should be made of Mr. K. Keir who has been in charge of the compilation and
analysis of the results, Mr. T. Hedges who was responsible for the operation
of the electronic equipment, Mr. E. Green who carried out the navigation of
the aircraft, and not least Mr.R.V.Keeling the Expedition Manager who piloted
the aircraft.