Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

to reconcile conflicting trajectories by "hanging" them upon a 
ballistic camera trajectory which, in turn, is "hung" upon the 
A major disadvantage of optical data is the extended time 
cycle between the missile test operation and the publication of 
the final reduced data. Under present operating conditions the 
time cycle for optical data reduction is in excess of 7 to 10 
days. For the future, consideration is being given to a 6 hour 
ballistic camera reduction; to be accomplished by plate processing 
and reading in the field, and the data transmitted to the com- 
puter center for reduction. Also being considered for the near 
future is a 72 hour CZR Fixed Camera reduction, which together 
With the 72 hour Azusa reduction will present an entire missile 
trajectory. The shortened Fixed Camera reduction will necessi- 
tate only a revision of current operating procedures such as 
ready availability of overtime man hours, immediate-upon-call 
computer utilization, and release of data in tabular and/or tape 
computer output form rather than in a finished report. 
The problem of increasing the accuracy of the Fixed Camera 
and Cine-theodolite systems is within the capabllity of the 

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