Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

the glossy sides of the car were distracting and were avoided as they 
produce completely erroneous outlines, (Erroneous in the sense only that 
the location of images produced by reflecting surfaces is not required in 
this instance. ) 
The extent of damage may be measured assuming symmetry. Thus 
the car body has a maximum deformation of 80 cm and the bonnet is pushed 
23° to one side. The offside front wheel is pushed back 19 cm and twisted 
31° in the horizontal plane, The direction of impact is indicated by the 
arrows joining the control of the offside wheel Wj, the end of the bumper B 
and the centre of the headlamp HL] to their original positions. The 
assumption of symmetry requires that the car should be horizontal, In this 
case, however, it leans down slightly towardsthe front offside. The above 
figures therefore may be taken only approximately, As facilities for 
handling vehicles involved in road accidents are severely limited this kind of 
study is, perhaps, better adapted to experimental impacts, 
It has been claimed that stereophotogrammetric reconstruction of 
accidents is economical and that its use is becoming more widespread(14-16) 
While time spent in the field may be quite short, relative to the time required 
for an adequate tape survey, it must be shortened even more, Choosing each 
camera station occupies some 5 or 10 minutes; the longer time being 
required for complex sites and always for the first camera position. As 
mentioned above the accident team work under conditions in which time is 
critical and if the immediate vicinity of an accident could be recorded 
adequately within 2 minutes of arrival then one of its major problems would 
be solved, 
It was felt that the time spent in plotting was excessive in relation to 
the yield of information and in particular much of the wasted time was spent in 
keeping the Autograph in accurate adjustment, This was due partly to the fact 
that the author compiled his maps as a novice, No doubt most of these 
difficulties would vanish for a skilled plotter, 
Even so it is felt that, where accidents are to be recorded as a 
routine, a stereometric camera should be used only where extensive height 
measurements are required, Since the over-riding problem is one of time, 
a method of rapid vertical photography is being developed. 
To this end, a car is being fitted with a telescopic mast, This mast 
extends its full length, 43 feet above the ground, in about 70 seconds. A wide 
angle camera is supported at the top and exposures, effected from the ground 
cover an area approximately 60 foot square; this is sufficient cover for the 
immediate vicinity of most accidents, 
Trials have shown that a striking wealth of information is obtained. 
Most remarkable is the way in which the texture and condition of the road 
surface is revealed. Applications of such photographs obviously extend 
beyond pure accident reporting, 
a Sl zt 
Mr, A, 
paper is 
(1) S 
(2) S 
D M 
(4) TI 
(5) HI 
(6) BC 
(7) SE 
(8) AP 
(9) BI 
(10) BE 
11) 77 
u2 LC 
(3 L^ 

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