Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

FA INEM a «FUR M Y uu B um Sen E VÀO Re B= D 
igure 1. 
The general orientation of the research initiated by the Personnel 
Research Branch to improve the output of image interpreter systems has 
been presented, and t 
he major problem areas have been delineated. As 
a basis for refining concepts and variables with which the research 
must deal, empirical data on PT performance were obtained. Indexes of 
image interpretation 
performance might also reflect Special needs and 
problems which do not appear on the surface. 
Data were obtained for two groups of examinees performing under 
different experimental conditions, and employing photographs differing 
considerably in content. The first group was composed of 16 experienced 
photointerpreteys (3 to l5 years of PI Work) specializing in targets of 
varying types.= Men in this sample were asked to extract information 
from photographs varying in scale and resolution. The Second group was 
made up of 17 men about to graduate from the PI course at the Intelli- 
gence School, who were asked to extract information of a fairly gross 
nature from photographs actually employed in Korea. Five indexes of 
performance were derived from data obtained on the two samples : 
Accuracy of information extraction 
Completeness of information extraction 
Range of photointerpreter abilities 
Contribution of individual differences to improved output 
Accuracy and completeness of modal PI response 
The sample of experienced PI' 
photo scale range of 1:15; 
S WOrked from nine photographs, with & 
200 to 1:72,400, varying in resolution 
and representing a variety of military targets. A reporting 
code was used which permitted the procurement of a standard response to 
a desired level of detail without providing response cues. The subjects 
were instructed to engage in free search and report objects of signifi- 
cance included within the structured response code. This procedure al- 
lowed interpreters to use normal search and detection techniques in the 
identification process. The subjects were encouraged to produce as much 
information as possible, and they were allowed as much time as they de- 
sired on each photograph. 
1/ The data on the first sample were collected by Dr. Zeidner for the 
Broadview Research Corporation as part of another PT research effort. 
Appreciation is expressed to Frederick J. Doyle, Director, Intelligence 
Systems Division, Broadview Research Corporation, for permission to 
use these data. 
Archives 6 

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