Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

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gaste Sverige." Geol. Foren. Forhandl. Bd 32. 
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Beskow, Gunnar. “Tjilbildningen och Tjillyftnin- 
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geologiska undersükning Ser. C, N:o 375. Statens 
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Black, Robert F. “Some problems in Engineering 
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Coastal Plain, Northern Alaska.” Arctic, Vol. 
10, Nr 4. 1957. 
Black, Robert F. ‘“‘Polygonal patterns and ground 
conditions from aerial photographs." PHoTo- 
GRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING, 18:123-134. 1952. 
Britton, Max E. Arctic Biology, ‘Vegetation of 
the Arctic Tundra.” Biology Colloquim Proceed- 
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Britton, Max E. “A Tundra Landscape.” Research 
Reviews. Office of Naval Research, Washington, 
D.C. 1958. 
Hamberg, Axel. "Zur Kenntnis der Vorgünge im 
Erdboden beim Gefrieren und Auftauen sowie 
Bemerkungen über die erste Kristallisation des 
Eises in Wasser." Geol. Foren. Forhandl. Bd 37, 
pp. 583-619. Stockholm 1915. 
Hopkins, David M., Thor N. V. Karlstróm, and 
others. ''Permafrost and Ground Water in 
Alaska," a shorter contribution to General 
Geology. Geological Survey Professional Paper 
264-F. Washington 1955. 
Hoppe, Gunnar. “Frostfenomen och glacialmor- 
fologi i sódra Sverige.” Ymer. häfte 1, 1957. 
Hógbom, Bertil. "Uber die Geologische Bedeu- 
tung des Frostes." Inaugural-Dissertation, Up- 
psala University, 1914. 
Johnsson, Gunnar. "Glacialmorfologiska Studier 
Sódra Sverige" (Glacial Morphology in Southern 
Sweden). Medd. frán Lunds Universitets Geogr. 
Inst. Avhandl. 30, 1956. 
Lundqvist, G. “De Svenska Fjüllens Natur." 
STF:s publ. nr 1045. Stockholm 1948. 
Péwé, Troy L. “Effect of Permafrost on Cultivated 
Fields, Fairbanks Area, Alaska,” a contribu- 
tion to Alaskan Geology. Geological Survey Bul- 
letin 989-F. Washington 1954. 
Roscoe, John H. “Contributions to the Study of 
Antarctic Surface Features by Photogeographi- 
cal Methods.” (Parts of a dissertation for the 
degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of 
Maryland, 1952.) 
Rydquist, Folke. “‘Studier av polygonmark pâ 
Stora Alvaret, Oland.” Geografiska prosemi- 
nariet, Stockholms Hógskola, Dec. 6, 1957. 
Sako, Sumitoshi, Shimpei Kawachi, Tadaharu 
Fujiki, Kunio Kobayashi, Masuji Inagaki and 
Mitsuyoshi Chino. “Notes on the splendid 
sorted polygons on Mt. Tomuraushi." Earth 
Science (Chikyu Kagaku), No. 36, Feb. 1958. 
Thorén, R. “Med Svenska Orlogsmän i Arktis.” 
Tidskrift à Sjüväsendet, Kungl. Orlogsmanna- 
sállskapet, Nov. 1957. 
Troll, Carl. “Strukturbôden, Solifluktion und 
Frostklimate der Erde.” Diluvial-Geologie und 
Klima, Geologische Rundschau, Band 34, pp. 
545—694, Stuttgart 1944. 
Vilborg, L. “The Uplift of Stones by Frost." 
Geografiska Annaler, Arg. XXXVII, pp. 165- 
169, 1955. 
Washburn, A. L. “Classification of Patterned 
Ground and Review of Suggested Origins." Bul- 
letin of the Geological Society of America. Vol. 
67, pp. 823-866, 1956. 
Washburn, A. L. “Patterned Ground.” Revue 
Canadienne de Géographie. Vol. IV, Nr 3-4, 
pp. 5-54. 1950. 
Zaborski, Bogdan. '"U.S.S.R." Geography of the 
Northlands, American Geographical ~ Society 
Special Publication No. 32, 1955. 

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