Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

op. cit. 5 "Rivers there (Mozambique) constantly hug the mountain 
bases in a manner that cannot be fortuitous."..... 
Ais "Thus it may be accepted that the presence of channels closely 
following the base lines of large inselbergs and residual mountain 
groups, and even partly encircling them, is a characteristic feature of 
the savanna landscape." 
Facets might be considered as the result of wave action. They might be 
difficult to recognize where all slopes are determined by the angle of re- 
pose of slope materials. There is nothing in the arrangement or align- 
ment of detached hills to suggest wave cutting. 
op. cit. 5 The observation is from Cotton, who also describes tropical 
humid erosion as follows: 
"Hot and wet tropical conditions such as prevail in the rain forest re- 
gions throughout the year favour enormously rapid chemical weathering of 
almost every kind of rock and the development of actual flow movements 
of the saturated products of advanced rock decay. This has been observ- 
ed to affect a layer below the superficial zone which is more or less 
anchored by roots, and there is thus a Streaming of mud which resembles 
Arctic 'solifluction'." 

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