Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

enalogous photograph 
———— solid stete matrix sensor 
d sensor control 
imegs recording 
[rem] smn of hmm rie 
? in frame system 
x2, yd 
input input coordinetss of 
—Ó——ÓÓ ————— scan-réóssou fit scan-résseu 
réseau grid image coordinates of | - 
in frame system xa LA 
xD, yo 
transformation of 
image points into d 
transformation peremeter set 
Image frame + scan-rósseu 
memory image coordinates 
d in scan-rósssu system : : : Se : 
a Jo 3 - - ; 
x^ y measuring system 
cemere - résseu 
— o T——————— solid state matrix seneor 
de sensor control 
image recording 
imags freme detection of réssau tergets 
résseu coordinates 
Y in frame system 
Oo ,0 
Xp: Wa 
input input coordinates of 
camere réssau Fit i 
résseu grid Image coordinates I c ar 
of located targets 
in frame system t Xa* Ya 
xO, yO 
e ormation of transformation parameter set 
image points into — 
: image frame * camera résesu 
camera résesu system 
memory image coordinates 
-- in comers réseau system 
image coordinates 
Fig.6 Digital mono-image recording and measuring system 

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