Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

3. System components of Rolleimetric RS 
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A Rollei CCD-video camera with a matrix sensor of 
604 (H) x 576 (V) elements (image area 4.5 x 6.0 mm:) 
is used for recording image frames. 
To generate different pixel sizes, various interchangeable 
lenses and extension tubes create enlargements from 
4:1 downto 1:16. With a sensor element size of 
10.0 um x 15.6 um pixels sizes from 2.5 um x 3.9 um 
up to 160 ym x 254 ym can be achieved. For each projection 
scale different réseau plates with grid sizes from 
1l mm up to 64 mm are available. 
The maximum image format is 23 x 23 cm:. (9 x 9 inches). 
The illumination module consists of two separate units. 
The image scan of the analogous photograph is performed 
in transmission light, while a second image is created 
in reflection light. In this image tbe object information 
disappears and only réseau targets are visible. This is 
a very useful device to recognize réseau targets for the 
purpose of sensor orientation, especially if automatic 
pattern recognition methods are used. Both illumination 
units are adjustable and optimized for each specified lens 
3.2 Digital Réseau-Scanning Camera RSC1 
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On principle the new developed réseau-scanning camera 
Rolleimetric RSC1 (Fig.2) offers the same possibilities 
as the RS1 system applied for on-line measurements in 
the field (see Fig.6 in comparison to Fig.4). Separation 
of réseau targets is also performed by a special 
illuminating device. 
3.3 Software devices 
A compatible personal computer extended with an image 
processor is used to control the RS system. The analogous 
video signal is digitized with a scanning frequency of 
10 MHz. À digital image of 512'x 512 x 8 bit picture 
elements is created, generating different scales in x- and 
y-direction (ratio 3:4). 

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