Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

. primary (complete) mapping in the absence of DTM data. 
. re-mapping and differential mapping if terrain relief changed and DTM 
was not updated, 
. high-precision digital mapping. 
- An AMP (sub)system can be easilty integrated into larger systems. The 
existing components and procedures can be used with only minor adapta- 
tions and extensions. No or little additional support is required. 
- Control, tie and check points for differential mapping can be extracted 
from the existing data base (e.g., maps). The DTM data can be derived, 
locally, from contour lines. 
— Heights of the mapped feature points are a byproduct of AMP. 
The properties affecting work management are: 
— The main process stages can be carried out in parallel, thus permitting 
employment of specialised personnel in each stage. 
- Production can be de-centralised, thus done locally and even by small 
— Measurement-digitising from images can be done before, simultaneously, 
or after the control data are provided (e.g., by aerial triangulation) 
if geometric transformation are time-delayed. 
- An AMP system can function either autonomously as a stand-alone unit or 
integrated into a larger system. 
- A digital data base is created, re-mapping (complete) can be replaced 
by differential mapping unless the existing data base does not meeting 
the new specifications. 
In the perspective of the growing need for revision and upgrading exist- 
ing data bases, and for new thematic data bases, the AMP tends to have an 
increasing impact on geo-information production. 
[1] Allam, M.M. "Digital mapping in a distributed system 
: environment”, Auto Carto 5 Symposium, Crystal 
City, U.S.A., 1982. 
[2] Beotra, L.M. "Topographic map revision by digital mono- 
plotting", ITC, M.Sc. thesis, Enschede, 1981. 
[3] Besenicar, J. "Digital restitution from single photographs 
for cadastral purposes", ITC, M.Sc. thesis, 
Enschede, 1976. 
[4] Case, J.B. "Automation in photogrammetry", ISP Congress, 
Commission II, Hamburg, 1980. 
I5] Forrest, R.B. "A digital portable line - drawing rectifier", 
ISP Congress, Commission II, Ottawa, 1972. 
[6] Makarovic, B. "Digital mono-plotters" ITC Journal, Enschede, 
[7] Makarovic, B. "Data base updating by digital mono-plotting" 
ISPRS, Commission IV Symposium, Crystal City, 
[8] Makarovic, B. "Structures for geo-information and their ap- 
plication in selective sampling for DTMs", ITC 
Journal, Enschede, 1984-4. 
[9]  Radwan, M.M. "Digital mono-plotting system - improvements 
Makarovié, B. tests", ITC Journal, Enschede, 1980-3. 
[10] Usery, E.L. "Map revision using digital image processing 
Welch, R. techniques", ASP-ACSM Annual Convention, 
Washington, 1984. 
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