Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

When assessing the efficiency of mapping software available on the market, 
users often base their decision on the scope and flexibility of the edit- 
ing functions. The importance of accurate measuring functions which help 
to reduce the overall editing requirements is often under-estimated. 
An avoidable measuring error will necessitate at least one but generally 
several editing operations. Based on this understanding, Zeiss has consis- 
tently improved the PLANIMAP software with a view to produce clean and 
complete data records in the data collection phase already: the COMPLETE, 
SNAP POINT, SNAP LINE and VERIFY measuring functions are results of this 
development strategy. 
Superimposition of the graphical data onto the air photo by means of Zeiss 
VIDEOMAP has been accepted astonishingly fast by the market as the ideal 
solution to clean measurement and real-time logging of data acquisition at 
the stereoplotter. The operator can check the plot for geometrical preci- 
sion, proper coding and completeness without having to turn his eyes from 
the eyepiece. Most valuable perhaps are precise line junctions and final 
symbol placement, which eliminate a major part of the editing effort. 
The problem of margin matching at model edges in particular, a task which 
currently exceeds the capabilities of even powerful mapping systems made 
by other manufacturers, can be avoided with VIDEOMAP. 
Revision 04/86 has considerably enhanced the PLANIMAP editing functions. 
Apart from DELETE, SHIFT, CHANGE etc., the following functions merit 
- Any supported output device, e. g. Zeiss VIDEOMAP, HP graphics termi- 
nals, Tektronix 40xx or 41xx (or SIGMA 61xx) interactive terminals, 
HP plotters or the PLANITAB tracing tables can be used for editing. 
- Data can be edited on-line, i. e. during data acquisition, or off-line 
(PEDIT program) at a different workstation, i. e. without stereoplotter. 
- Object points invalidated with DELETE/SHIFT are initially only skipped 
in the file and crossed out in the plot and are actually deleted only 
by REPLOT on the output device. 
- The UNDELETE function reactivates deleted objects. 
The market acceptance of a digital mapping system also depends on the 
flexibility it provides for transferring data to other systems or files. 
Some of the PLANIMAP transfer functions are listed below: 
Transfer as PLANIMAP file (ASCII and binary) 
Transfer as plot file (HP commands, ASCII) 
Transfer as Intergraph ISIF/ASCII file (GENSIF program) 
Format conversion for other IGS systems, e. g. Siemens, Syscan 
(conversion programs through named companies) 
Real-time link to Computervision's CADDS systems 
(programs through Pine Design Engineering Co., Troy/Michigan). 

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