Full text: Bücherverzeichnis der Alpenvereinsbücherei

verest, Leip- 
rg der Erde, 
-) 4^. [Abb] 
ount Everest 
Taf, 2K) 
‚verest expe- 
A. J. 34,223) 
rest as seen 
1921. (38) 
eering in the 
proaches io 
L) (A.].3) 
ta del Monte 
, 8.) [3 Abb] 
| Everest be 
S. A. (Nine- 
By P.JH, 
J. 34,225) 
litions. (A. ], 
2. (5S) 
d attempt on 
. J. 34, 225) 
5, 226.) 
'eutsch v. W. 
34 Taf., 3K) 
W u. a, Der 
2, Wien 1924, 
Kampf um | 
°rde. K. uni 
am], Mount 
1022. (45) 
n, Die. Wien 
) 4° 
yunt Everest, 
est. OK. u 
logical diffi- 
rest. London 
Everest maps 
S.) (A. J.34, 
unt Everest. 
1 von W. R 
, 33 Tai.) ^ 
dition. Lon 
pects of the 
(8S) (A. ]. 
A. Z. 18, 11) 
unt Everest: 
(13S) (4. 
dition. Lom 
Club and of 
| Tai.) (A. J. 
unt Everest 
Bern 1922 
413 Himalaja (Karakorum) — Himalaja (Kaschmir) 
Montandon, Paul, Die 2. und 3. Mount 
Everest-Expedition 1922. Bern 1922/24. (198S.) 
(Alp. 30, 9; 32, 10.) 4°. [1 Abb., 1K] 
Norton, The Mount Everest Dispatches. 
London 1924. (46S., 2 Taï.) (A. J. 36, 220.) 
— The problem of Mt. Everest. London 1925. 
(22 S.) (A. J. 37, 230.) 
— Der letzte Versuch auf den Mount Everest. 
Übertr. von K. Kriebel. Wien 1924. (6S.) (à. 
A. Z. 46, 1020.) 4° 
Praesent, Hans, Ekspedicii na Everest 
1021—1022. St. Petersburg 1923. (20S) S.A. 
(Besjeda 1, 2.) ; 
Raabl-Werner, Die Gaurisankar-Expe- 
dition. Wien 1921/22. (17S.) S. A. (O. A. Z. 43, 
004, 44, 9097/8, 1005.) 4? 
Reizler, S, Los misterios del Himalaya. | 
Madrid 1922. (4S., 4 Tat.) (Peñ. 9, 98.) 
Schmidkunz, Walter, Mount Everest. 
München 1924. (5S.) (Berg 2, 7/8.) 4°. [1 Abb., 
BK rues Plant Wien 1924. (2S.) (Bst. Ztg. 
2, 68.) 2° 
— Mount-Everest-Geschichten. München 1025. 
(6S. (A.Fr.6, 4) 4°. [2 Abb.] 
Services, Memorial — in memory oi the 
men killed on Mt. Everest. — The last climb. — 
The Battle with Everest. London 1924. (98S.) | 
(A. J. 36, 220.) 
Unna, P. J. H., The oxygen equipment of 
the 1922 Everest Expedition. London 1922. (16 S.) 
(A. J. 34, 224.) [Abb.] 
Zahn, G[ustav|] W. von, Die Mount-Everest- 
Expedition 1924. München 1925. (3S) (M. 
51, 14.) 4 
— Die Mt. Everest-Gruppe. München 1924. 
(24S., 1 Tai. S.A. (Z.55.) 4*. [6 Abb.] 
Himalaja (Karakorum) 
Bobba, Giovanni, La spedizione di Prin- 
cipe Luigi Amadeo di Savoia nel Karakoram e 
nell' Himalaya occidentale. 5 ill Torino 1912. 
(7S., 1 Tai.) S. A. (Riv. 31, 6.) 
Conway, William Martin, Climbing and 
exploration in the Karakoram-Himalayas. 300 ill. 
London 1894. (XXVIII, 709S., 1K.) 
— — Containing: scientific reports by T. G. 
Bonney, A. G. Butler... London 1894." (1358S., 
1 Tak, 2K.) [Abb.] 
Eckenstein, Oscar, The Karakorams and 
Kashmir. An account of a journey. London 
1896. (XVI, 2538.) 
Ferber, August C. F., L’esplorazione del 
Passo Mustagh nel Karakorum-Himalaya. To- 
rino 1906. (33S.) S.A. (Boll. 38,71.) [15 Abb., 
1K. Auch Gesch.] 
Filippi, Filippo de, The expedition of the 
Duke of the Abruzzi to the Karakoram Hima- 
layas. London 1910. (12S., 6 Taf.) S. A. (A. J. 
25, 188/190.) 
— Storia della spedizione scientifica italiana 
nel Himàlaia Caracorüm e Turchestàn Cinese 
(1913—1914). Bologna 1923. (XIII, 5418., 6 K., 
I9 Rs, 18 Taf., 1 Pl.) 4° 
Hedin, Sven von, Die Gletscher des Mus- 
fag-ata. Berlin 1895. (41S., 1K., 1Taf) S. A. 
(Z.G.E.30, 1.) [17 Abb.] 
— The Kumdan glaciers in 1902. London 
1910. (11S) S.A. (G.].36, 2) 
A The unexplored. Ill. London 
1893. (3S.) S. A. (Westminster Budget.) 2° 
Jacot-Guillarmod, J., Six mois dans 
lHimalaya, le Karakorum ‘et l'Hindu-Kusch. 
Voyages et explorations. Neuchátel [um 1905]. 
(363 $., 11 Tai, 3K., 1Rs) 
— Un record dans l’Himalaya. Bern 1903. 
(16 S., 3 Ta) S. A. (Jb. 38.) 
Longstafîf, T[om] Gfeorge]. Expedition 
to the Karakoram. London 1910. (2S.) S. A. 
(A. J. 25, 187.) 
— Glacier exploration in the eastern Kara- 
koram. London 1910. (37S., 3 Taf., 1K.) S.A. 
(G. J. 35, 6.) 
— The Saltoro pass. London 1911. 
4 Tai, 1K.) S. A. (A. J. 25, 192.) 
Ludwig Amadeus Prinz von Sa- 
voyen, Herzog der Abruzzen. Viaggio di 
esplorazione nei Monti del Karakoram.  To- 
rino 19010. (46 S., 1 Tat, 2K.) S. A. (Suppl. alla 
Riv. 29, 1.) 
—,und Filippi, Filippo de, La spedizione 
nel Karakoram e nell' Imalaia occidentale 1909. 
Ill. da V. Sella. Bologna 1912. (XIX, 581S., 
31 Tai, 19 Rs., 3K.) 
Piannl, Heinrich, Eine Belagerung des 
Tschogo-Ri (K2) in der Mustaghkette des Hin- 
dukusch. Innsbruck 1904. (17S. 3 Taf) S.A. 
(Z. 35.) 4? 
— Bericht über die Mustagh-Expedition 1902 
und Schlufiolgerungen. Wien 1904. (7S.) S. A. 
(O. A. Z. 26, 654.) 4° 
— Eine Fahrt in den Himalaja. Wien 1022. 
(6 S.) S. A. (Ö. A. Z. 44, 908.) 4° 
Visser, Ph. C., The Sasir group in the Ka- 
DES ra: London 1923. (6S., 1 Tai.) (A. J. 35, 
Workman, Fanny Bullock, The exploration 
of the Siachen or Rose glacier, eastern Karako- 
rum. London 1914. (32S, 21 Tai, 1K) S.A. 
(G. J. 43, 2.) 
— À woman above the snow line. London 
1901. (6S.) S. A. (Lady's Mag.) [Abb.] 
—, and Willam Hunter Workman, The 
Hispar Glacier. London 1910. (28S, 1 K.) S. A. 
(G. J. 35, 2.) 
Workman, William Hunter, and Fanny 
Bullock Workman, The call of the snowy 
Hispar; a narrative of exploration and moun- 
taineering on the northern frontier of India. 
London 1910. (XVI, 297 S., 87 Tai., 6 Rs., 2 K.) 
Himalaja (Kaschmir) 
s.a. Hohenmessungen — Pamir 
Baumann, J[oseph], Kaschmir. München 
1923/24. (24S.) S.A. (Sammier 92, 95—97, 
100—106; 93, 1.) 4° 
Collie, J. Norman, Climbing on the Hima- 
laya and other mountain ranges. Edinburgh 
1902. (323S., 18 Taf., 3K.) [Schr. Auch Rocky 
Mountains und Grofibritaniie.} 
Conway, William Martin, Ascensions et 
explorations. A sept mille mètres dans l’Hima- 
laya. Trad. par H. Jacottet. 47ill. Paris 1898. 
(242 S.) 
Darrah, Henry Zouch, Sports in the 
highlands of Kashmir, being a narrative of an 
eight months’ trip in Baltistan and Ladak. 52 ill. 
London 1898. (XVIII, 506 S., 2 K.) [Auch Wsp.] 
Doughty, Marion, Afoot through the 
Kashmir Valleys. London 1901. (XXXII, 276 S., 
12 Taf.) [Auch Pil] 
Foster, George, Travels in Cashmir. Ge- 
neve 1801. (228S.) (Bibl. brit. 6, 16.) 

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