Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BI. Istanbul 2004 
transmittance: the ratio of the incident to transmitted flux. 
Type A = evaluated statistically; Type B = evaluated using 
models or other external information; Type B = one standard 
validation: the process of assessing, by independent means, the 
quantity of the data products derived from the system outputs. 
1. Create a list of Radiometric and Geometric parameters and 
poll the task force members for their additions and deletions; 
2. Working face-to-face or via email reach consensus on the list 
of parameters, prioritize the list, review the range of existing 
definitions, and develop provisional standard definitions, citing 
3. Work ISO TC211 to translate Task Force definitions into the 
ISO process; 
4. The EO community should consider establishing an MRA- 
like database similar to one created by the National Metrology 
Institutes (NMIs) of EO-specific quantities populated by 
information from the calibration teams around the world about 
their measurement capabilities, but with the quality of the data 
underwritten by formal comparisons/audits from independent 
5. Engage in a total systems approach to measuring pre-launch 
and post-launch calibration, using best practices, materials and 
equipment; and over time to share and test these technologies 
among sensor designers in a variety of laboratories and Earth 
6. In-flight and on-orbit calibration of radiometric and 
geometric parameters would benefit from expanding the global 
distribution of test sites and ranges to include many more of 
Earth's ecosystems. To date, the predominance of vicarious test 
sites have been located in arid regions characterized by high 
frequency of relatively clear sky conditions and large areas of 
uniform, spectrally flat, radiance; 
7. Techniques for lunar and stellar calibration are promising and 
deserve further trials and experimentation; 
8. Traceability to SI Units is required to ensure that calibration 
metadata are comparable between sensors (e.g., internal and 
external calibration, comparison of spectral bandwidths, 
geopositional accuracies, etc.). 
Ager, T.P., 2002. An Analysis of Metric Accuracy Definitions 
and Methods of Computation, NIMA InnoVision. 
Analytical Spectral Devices, Science Center, 
http://www.asdi.com/asdi t2 sc nir4.html. 
Canada Center for Remote Sensing (CCRS) Remote Sensing 
Glossary, 2004. 
http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/learn/terms/glossary/glossary - 
e html ' 
Coleman, H.W. & W.G. Steele, 1999. Experimentation and 
Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers, 2" edition, John Wiley & 
Geospatial One Stop, Standards for Digital Ortho Imagery. 
International Commission on Illumination (CIE), 1987. 
International Lighting Vocabulary, Publication 17.4. 
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), International 
Electrotechnical Vocabulary, Chapter 845: Lighting", IEC 
Publication 50 (845). 
ISO 1993. International Vocabulary of Basic and General 
Terms in Metrology 2"* ed. Geneva: International Organization 
for Standardization. 
John Pike, Federation of American Scientists, Intelligence, 
1998. Resource Program, National Imagery Interpretability 
Rating Scale, http://www. fas.org/irp/imint/niirs.htm. 
Kramer, H.J., 2001. Observation of the Earth and its 
Environment: Survey of Missions and Sensors, 4^ enlarged 
edition, Springer. 
Leachtenauer, J.C., W. Malila, , J.M. Irvine, , L.P. Colburn, & 
N.L. Salvaggio, 1997. General Image-Quality Equation: GIQE. 
Applied Optics 36(32): 8322-8328. 
National Physics ^ Laboratory, Spectral — Responsivity 
Measurement, 2004. 
http://www.npl.co.uk/optical radiation/measurement/spectralres 
The Photonics Directory, Photonics Dictionary, 2004. 
Schott, JR, 1997. Remote Sensing: The Image Chain 
Approach, Oxford University Press. 
Wolf, P.R., 1983. Elements of Photogrammetry, 2" edition, 
Wolfram Research, Eric Weisstein's World of Physics, 2004. 
e Fam rm, 
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