Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Table of Contents 
— Welcome to tie 19th ISPRS Congress... tee deeeicimemenc reteerte merce beeeeeiess E RR 7 
=... Eveline Herfkens, Ministertor Development Co-operation... seii i 8 
=; Læwrence W Friz ISPRS Président ve ee TR 9 
= Klaas Jau Béek, Congress Dircior oe eer eee eee TE ER MA ME 10 
1996 2000 erkenne tee reete elei ePEEPMAm AER lere ee ERE i EE eR ee eee D e DR ede LE 13 
| P3, The IGPBS Council. oe e epp rider re ne en SRE 14 
*,« Financial COmmissigh...........-ecemeereeeremtemieese pete ee nee eee see ae en IOTER n 14 
* Editors of ISPRS Publicatiólls ........ eerte ert mitem terere eee erre eere ere e dA ND 15 
Eso Technical Commission Presidenis .......... eene retenir ete ecran remit De e ee en 15 
lie 3,» [SPRS Technical Commissions (T6) and Working Groups We; '………………………..….….… °° ENT 16 
AO 31 
or PRR THR ISPRSCOUNGH rere eco he eons YH esate seston ein amma ter orn TR BEEF 32 
] pps Financial GOmmissiol. «0e aus rente en eee a mem en 32 
G) khe Editors of ISBRS PUDNCalIOnS ceret eee rete eee ect ee 33 
, eie Tochnical Commission Presideriis........ recommence rear EEE t ef ee 33 
E / Eso Honorary Members... o.oo eue canon ren ace eee htm mG a reset 34 
sac Ordinary Members... reruma cn es en eee en nie na me ge 2 EET 34 
*  Associato Members... edo esset ie sediesther erstes ede esee HU TREO E e d RC 43 
ES SS IBIS, er edie ieee de an 43 
SE een CEST sah sects rere a eL OT 46 
Before ilie Congress... rin: hist trulisemmssmmsionisonssrnsss sais cust ost e oes estem er eri eee E 47 
VE - Introduction by the Congress Director, Klaas Jan Beek and the Chairman of the Scientific Program Committee, Martien Molenaar .....48 
- The Preparation of the XIXth Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ............................... 49 
First Pignary Session and Op6ning COremOny ………rserremmnçenmenenn nette retient ie eee CT emet eee 57 
= Opening Speech by Prat Dei Klaas-Jan Besk, Congress Director...” 58 
= Walcome by Lawience W Ritz, Piasident ISPRS … +"... 59 
- Presentation by Prof. Dr. Ir. Martien Molenaar, President NSEOG & Chairman Scientific Committee .............. LLL 60 
- Opening Speech by Past President Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Prof. Dr. Ir. Pieter Zandbergen ......61 
- Proposal for Honorary Membership of Prof. Dr. Shunji Murai by Lawrence W. Fritz, ISPRS President LL. 62 
- Filling the Digital Gap — Use of Geo-information and Decision Support Tools in Sustainable Agriculture Development by Dr. He ........... 63 
Changchui, Environment and Natural Resources Service (SDRN), Sustainable Development Department Food and 
Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) 
ISPRS Awards 2000.41 1eme ied Hsia dita hae so AE bt dante A 71 
-, Honorary Member... eee een ee Mea E NT 72 
t... Brock Gold Medal Award... me e ceret E d LI T 72 
Sa. Oit0 VON Gruber Awara...... eoe reed e m Re a eee RN 72 
F5 samuel Gamble Award. ee eee ete ae TT 73 
£o, U. V. Helava Award... ooo pm eq DRE H P LR E REA 73 
s 5 Gio Cassiflis AWAId. eI esl aes am an LT EI 74 
E Edouard Dolezal Award... erue qm entered eive e Dn e Pte D D MENT 74 
= SUIS NET ee ee 75 
=, Willem Sotermermoni Awatd +. ircemenmneannçenanen nn een de en ane eee ee ce] 75 
7 President S Honorar GHAIONS nue ee ete 76 
ro Best Young AuInOrs AWaIds i ee en T 77 
SLRs eee LC boson ana i sens nena ERE uo 78 
Fa CATCON Prizas encore e depre cepe eR eR tes eee 78 
LEA TT A A eee 0e 81 
sg Roberto da Cunha (1950-1997) >>> et an ru eee een eo msn T 82 
s: Professor ing. Dr.techn hc. Karl Neumaler (1698-1990) .+++memnenetrieee eee 82 
scs Professor Dr. fic. Hellmut H. Schmid (1914 — 1998)... ree tler rs rear erer PA EIN EREEFRT EEE TE MET 83 
= 6 Caiper Tewnkel (1909 = 1909) iecore uie eee erre e er E ie 84 
General Assemhligs ............. eee tt een érerenentteenent onnmnnntenennennennnntteenmnnnten ententes ans 85 
- Ordinary Member Delegates and Advisers to ISPRS General ASSembly....... oreet ERR netter bei e A. 86 
; "5s Delegates and Advisers (Nom-vating) to ISPRS General Assembly... RE S Cr 89 
2$ Council, Financial Commission and Horarary Members... eerte rsen rer E IE ae 92 
#41. [SPRS General Assemblies, Agerida corr eeterritembteteisbatietede eei ctesiediteliesin i eee ER 92 
in ::^. Decisions af tho ISPRS General Assembly XIXth ISPRS CONGIBES....ciii.iiiiiint tissues tiniest t 93 
& 3:5. Minutes of ISPRS General Assemblies Xi ISPRS CONGIESS.. oii cimniiinh hibit isis ssisisionsit ei 96 
| - President's Report to Ihe General Assembly for the 1998-2000 Term... 7 102 
> RépOILOLSPRS Secrelaiy Ganaral 1996-2000... ……-eccmteeonment raser remenen tenter carnet en ee eee EEE 107 
=" Report ot ISPRS Tredsureho ISPRS Ganictal Assembly sine he rte ed ed a 112 
=. Report of he Financial Commission 1996-2000 ................. oerte emrtetmeeeemtineesotitetemette ey 113 
- Report on Inter-organisational Relations, by John C. Trinder, Sectatary Général..." .. 114 
-  ISPRS - A Strategic Plan for the 21st Century, Lawrence W. Fritz, ISPRS President 000 116 
0. International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. — = s - eee — v 5 

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