Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

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3. Certification of Delegate Credentials 
Secretary General Trinder called the roll. There were 49 
Ordinary Members present, representing 182 votes. 
15. Election of Host for 2004 Congress 
The Secretary General explained the voting procedure and 
called for the first vote. 
China 64 
Spain 45 
Turkey 73 
Invalid 1 
Spain was eliminated and a second ballot called. The 
result was: China 69 
Turkey 113 
The result of the first ballot was: 
The Turkish National Society of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing Turkey was elected to Host the 2004 
Congress. The President informed the losing delegations 
of their rights to apply for other Council positions or for 
hosting Commissions. 
16. Reports of Council 
16.1 President 
President Fritz presented his report for his term of office 
while the first ballot was being counted. 
16.2 Treasurer 
Treasurer Rüther presented the April 1996 through March 
2000 Financial Report while the second ballot was being 
17. Ratification of Congress Director 
The appointment of Professor Orhan Altan as the Con- 
gress Director was ratified by acclamation. 
The Delegate from Turkey and the Congress Director des- 
ignate Professor Orhan Altan both gave short speeches of 
18. Discussion of the Strategic Plan 
There was no discussion from the floor and the Plan was 
approved by acclamation. 
19. Nominations for Council 
The President explained that at least three current mem- 
bers of the Council must be new appointments. 
Nominations received were: 
John Trinder (Australia) 
lan Dowman (UK) 
Gerard Begni (France) 
Ammatzia Peled (Israel) 
Secretary General: 
Second Vice President: 
Since there were no competing nominations, the new 
Council members were declared elected by acclamation. 
The President formally presented the new Council to the 
General Assembly. 
The Delegate from Egypt commented on the gender imbal- 
ance on the new Council. The President noted that two 
women had served on recent Councils and that there was 
neither implied or intended gender bias by the Council nor 
could Council make nominations. The Secretary General 
stated that it was the responsibility of the Ordinary Mem- 
bers to nominate candidates for positions on the Council 
and the Members should consider this issue. He encour- 
aged Members to nominate more women for positions on 
the Council for the 2004-2008 term. 
20. Decision on Amendments to Statutes and Bylaws 
Second Vice President Barbosa presented a summary of 
the written comments and suggestions received from 
France, Japan and Mexico. As a result, he stated that: 
- Bylaw VI.2.(b) wording has been changed to "less than 
51" for Associate Membership category 1. 
- Statute VI.1 Council agreed to withdraw the change of 
name of "Ordinary Members" to "National Members". 
There was no further discussion of this amendment 
from the floor. 
- Council offered no opinion on the proposal made by 
Mexico regarding Statute |. 
Sweden requested that their amendment to Statute | be 
circulated for the next session of the General Assembly. 
They were informed that their proposed amendment to 
Statute | must be submitted in writing to the 2nd VP. 
All amendments to Statutes and Bylaws were approved by 
the General Assembly, except for Statute |, the approval of 
which was deferred until the 3rd session of the General 
21. Member Proposals to Host the Technical Commis- 
sions for 2000-2004 
China announced that they changed their proposal for 
Commission IV to Commission Il while retaining their nom- 
ination of Professor Chen Jun for Commission President. 
The following Members proposed to host Technical Com- 
missions and each gave a short presentation that included 
their Commission plan, nominee and Symposium venue. 
Technical Commission I: 
Germany, Dr H. Ziemann as President (Dessau) 
USA, Professor S. Morain as President (Albuquerque) 
Technical Commission Il: 
- Switzerland, Professor O. Kólbl as 
- President (Lausanne) 
- (China, Professor Jun Chen as 
President (Beijing) 
Technical Commission lll: 
Austria, Professor F. Leberl as President (Graz) 
Technical Commission IV: 
- Canada, Dr. C. Armenakis as President (Ottawa) 
- The Netherlands, Professor M. Molenaar as President 
Technical Commission V: 
- Greece, Professor P. Patias as President (Thessaloniki) 
Technical Commission VI: 
- Brazil, Dr. T. M. Sausen as President (Sao José dos 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. A jam 2000. 
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