Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Technical Commission VII: 
- India, Dr. R. R. Navalgund as President (Ahmedabad) 
Japan, Professor Y. Yasuoka as President (Tokyo) 
The session adjourned at approximately 6 pm. 
Third General Assembly, Thursday, 15.00 - 18.00 20th July 2000 
1. Presidents Welcome 
President Fritz welcomed Honorary Members F. Acker- 
mann and G. Konecny, former President Kennert Tor- 
legárd, Dr. Hans van Ginkel, UN Under-Secretary-General 
and Rector of the UN University, and other guests. 
14. Awards 
First Vice President Murai introduced and presented the 
Young Authors Award certificates to (some were presented 
in absentia): 
- Babak Ameri, Germany 
- Ansgar Brunn, Germany 
- Marc Honikel, Switzerland 
- Jun Li, Canada 
- Satya Priya, Japan 
- Jochen Schiewe, Germany 
- Gary Zalmanson, USA 
6. Admission of New Members 
The new Associate Members, the Indian International Car- 
tographic Association and The Russian Public Organiza- 
tion "Society of Contribution to the Development of Pho- 
togrammetry and Remote Sensing" were presented with 
membership certificates. 
Applications for Category 1 Associate Membership from 
Iran, the Jahad/ITC/KN Toosi Joint Education Program 
(JIK), and the Tehran Geographic Information Centre were 
7. Changes of Category 
The Delegate from Indonesia requested a change in Cate- 
gory from 4 to 1. The current political and economic situa- 
tion meant that members and sponsors were decreasing. 
The Delegate agreed that when the current economic 
problems were resolved and sponsors could be found, 
they would return to Category 4. The request was 
approved with no objections from the floor. 
20. Amendments to Statutes and Bylaws 
Sweden presented an amendment to Statute | proposing 
that international co-operation should be secondary to pro- 
motion of R&D, education and training. The Netherlands and 
Mexico supported the amendment. President Fritz spoke 
against the amendment, stating that the foremost reason for 
the founding of ISPRS was international co-operation. Azer- 
baijan proposed a change of wording to the Swedish 
amendment. USA supported the original version of Statute 
proposed by the Council. Sweden thanked The Netherlands 
for its support and spoke further to the amendment. 
The President asked for a vote by hands whether a ballot 
vote should be taken or consideration deferred. The hand 
vote indicated that a ballot vote be taken. 
3. Certification of Credentials 
Secretary General Trinder called the roll. There were 49 
Ordinary Members present and eligible to vote, represent- 
ing 182 votes. 
16.2 Report of Secretary General 
While votes were being counted, the Secretary General 
delivered his report. 
20. Amendment to Statute | (cont.) 
The results of the vote were: 
Council version: 92 
Swedish version: 65 
Invalid: 8 
Abstentions: 17 
The proposed amendment by Sweden was defeated and 
the original version of Statute | proposed by Council was 
approved. Due to the closeness of the vote, the President 
urged the incoming Council to review this Statute again. 
22. Election of President 
23. Election of Secretary General 
24. Election of Treasurer 
25. Election of Second Vice President 
These elections were not needed as only one nomination 
was received for each Council position and the nominees 
had been declared elected on Tuesday 18" July. The 
incoming President, Professor John Trinder, delivered his 
acceptance speech. 
26. Appointment of the First Vice President 
The President said that he would be honoured to accept the 
position of 1st Vice President in the new Council. 
27. Election of Technical Commissions 2000-2004 
The following Ordinary Members were elected unopposed 
by acclamation to host Technical Commissions. 
Commission Ill: 
Austria, Professor Franz Leberl as President 
Commission V: 
Greece, Professor Petros Patias as President 
Commission VI: 
Brazil, Dr. Tania Maria Sausen as President 
Elections were called for Members to host Commission |, 
Il, IV, and VII. While counting was taking place reports were 
presented as described below. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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