Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

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- Co-operating with other international organizations 
- Communicating with the Members of the Society. 
To be successful in these endeavors requires that a special 
bond be created with and by a supporting and trusting set 
of Council partners. We have followed the ISPRS tradition 
of democracy and openness with one another. As Presi- 
dent, my personal goals for this term were to: 
- improve communication and awareness of our Soci- 
ety's activities beyond our common disciplines; 
- create a framework for the Society to administer its 
operations and activities in a more professional man- 
ner, at all levels; 
- build some formality into relationships with other 
organizations and to set a process for sustaining the 
relationships for future Councils; 
- respect all cultural, scientific and social differences in 
representing and administering the affairs of the Society; 
- provide a leadership example by working hard. 
| was blessed with very effective Council partners who 
come from all the six major continents of the world. It is my 
pleasure to inform this General Assembly (GA) of the many 
successes our team has achieved, the few disappoint- 
ments we encountered, and some of the outreach we have 
made on behalf of the Society. 
Council Activities 
The Council convened formal meetings 15 times during 
this inter-Congress term. Transition meetings were held by 
Council and by Council with the Commission Presidents 
soon after the elections were decided at the Vienna Con- 
gress to review goals, responsibilities, guidelines and pro- 
posed future meetings. 
At each Council Meeting (CM), Council reviewed the Com- 
mission activities, Society Membership, finances, publica- 
tions, Congress plans, inter-organizational relations and 
assigned action items. At the Joint Meetings (JM), Council 
and the Technical Commission Presidents (TCPs) reviewed 
Commission activities, including the status of each Work- 
ing Group (WG), publications, Workshops, meetings, and 
discussed policies and guidelines. 
We express our gratitude for the generosity of the hosting 
Ordinary and Sustaining Members who provided support 
to convene these meetings. A brief summary of the con- 
tent of, and purpose for, all official meetings of Council, 
CM and JM, since the Vienna Congress is as follows: 
1-3 October, JM - Oigami, Japan (host Japan Society- 
Review 1996 Congress GA Resolutions; discuss and rec- 
oncile proposed WGs, Chair and Co-Chairpersons and 
proposed WG terms of reference; established communica- 
tion addresses; decided Symposia dates and venues; 
assigned inter-organizational responsibilities 
3-5 October, CM - Oigami, Japan (host Japan Society- 
Establish ISPRS Highlights process; confirm Working 
Groups (WGs), Terms of Reference (ToR) and Chairpersons, 
review Commission plans; establish Task Forces; review les- 
sons learned from Congress; assign inter-organizational 
responsibilities; discuss priorities and means to improve all 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. — 
7-8 April, CM - Seattle, USA (host American Society- 
Discuss perspectives and key issues for ISPRS; review 
reports of Communications Task Force (ComTF) and Educa- 
tional Opportunities (EduTF) including pilot program plan; 
review draft 'Orange Book 
8-9 September, JM - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (host Brazilian 
Society and INPE) 
Review Symposia plans; TCPs responsibilities to ISPRS 
Journal; UNISPACE Ill plans; data policy 
7, 11-13 September, CM - Rio de Janeiro/Natal, Brazil 
(host INPE) 
Initiate Strategic Plan activity; review Highlights con- 
tract; discuss ISPRS Headquarters options; review pro- 
posals for Helava and Fagundes Awards; establish US$ 
28 February-1 March, CM - Bangalore, India (host 
Indian Society-ISRS) 
Confirm Journal Editorial Board; begin open bidding for 
Highlights; initiate ISPRS display; review proposal for 
Cassinis Award; modify guidelines 
1-3 May, CM - Bethesda, USA (host Lockheed Martin) 
Strategic Planning Meeting - see separate document 
5-6 September, CM - Stuttgart, Germany (host German 
Review Strategic Plans; coordinate Council coverage of 
key events; review Statutes and Bylaws (ST&BL); discuss 
modifications to Home Page; assign special Congress 
sessions to Council 
11-12 September, JM - Bad Wildbad, Germany (host 
German Society-DGPF) 
Review status of fulfilling GA Resolutions; propose tech- 
nical sessions, topics and tutorials for Congress; review 
new publisher and process for Highlights; review Strate- 
gic Plans 
19-21 April, CM - Bangkok, Thailand (host Japan 
Society- JSPRS) 
Review Strategic Planning; review ST&BL; plan for UNI- 
SPACE III; discuss Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) 
with related organizations; review Awards 
11-12 September, JM - Enschede/Amsterdam, 
The Netherlands (host Netherlands Society & ITC) 
Review IPAC, ISAC, Industry Forum plans; discuss coordi- 
nation with relevant scientific groups; request Bylaw XIII 
updates; inspect Congress facilities and review session 
14-15 September, CM - Delft, The Netherlands (host 
Netherlands Society & ITC) 
Review Strategic Plan; refine special Congress sessions; 
review nominations for Awards and for 2000-2004 offi- 
cers; discuss terms for Journal contract negotiations; 
consider Financial Commission Guidelines; finalize revi- 
sions to ST&BL 

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