Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

5-6 & 11 April, CM - Budapest, Hungary (host 
Hungarian Society) 
Finalize Strategic Plan; discuss new revenue sources, 
including Congress/Symposia levy; review daily program, 
Plenary and Special Session responsibilities; discuss 
delinquent Members; address Award selections 
8-9 April, JM - Budapest, Hungary (host Hungarian 
Refine draft Resolutions; revise Bylaw Xlll, Commission 
ToR; outline TCP responsibilities at Congress; review 
updated Orange Book; vote for new logo 
12-13 July, CM - Friesland, The Netherlands (host 
Netherlands Society) 
Confirm Congress schedule, GA agenda and responsibili- 
ties; review reports and meetings 
This Council has been extremely busy during all four years. 
Its primary achievement has been the preparation and 
refinement of the Strategic Plan, which in turn generated 
many activities. | am proud of the many achievements pro- 
duced by this Council and its supporting TCPs, Editors, 
Committees and WGs. It is with special appreciation that I 
convey my sincere thanks to my Council colleagues for the 
many meetings, negotiations and hard work they endured 
to accomplish all of the following. The listing, as presented 
in four general categories, does not do proper justice to 
the level of effort behind each item. 
Co-operation with International Organizations 
- Signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the 
UN Deputy Director UNOV and Director for UN Office for 
Outer Space Affairs to collaborate in activities of mutual 
interest with aim to co-sponsor an event annually 
- Admitted as an Associate Member of the Committee 
for Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) at the 11th 
CEOS Plenary in Toulouse, November 1997. 
- Signed a MoU with the International Center for Remote 
Sensing of the Environment to establish its biannual 
Symposium and committee as a permanent committee 
- Gathered positive recommendations from other scientific 
Unions which will enable ISPRS to become a full Mem- 
ber of the International Council of Science (ICSU) at its 
next General Assembly 
- Worked closely with the Presidents of ICA and IAG in 
bilateral collaboration in joint activities of mutual interest 
- Signed a MoU with the IGU/Spatial Data Handling 
Group to coordinate its biannual Symposium with the 
ISPRS Commission IV Symposium and Congress 
- Initiated an International Industry Forum in collabora- 
tion with CEOS 
- Presented Statements annually to the Committee for 
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space 
Communications with Members 
- Totally revised, negotiated and signed a new four year 
contract for the ISPRS Journal with Elsevier which 
returns title rights to ISPRS, doubles the number of 
pages per issue, and reduces by 659^ the cost of sub- 
scriptions for individuals of Members (to US$40) and by 
8596 the cost for institutions in developing countries (to 
- Prepared, negotiated and implemented a fee contract 
for ISPRS Highlights with content produced by ISPRS 
officers for the following issues 
- 1996 Vol. 1, No. 1 
- 1997 Vol. 2, No. 1- 4 
- 1998 Vol. 3, No. 1 & 2 
with Editor-in-Chief Mauricio Araya F., to whom we all 
express appreciation for his initiative, design and colle- 
gial style. 
- Prepared, negotiated and implemented a self-supporting 
contract for ISPRS Highlights with content produced by 
ISPRS officers for the following issues 
- 1998 Vol. 3, No. 3 & 4 
- 1999 Vol. 4, No. 1-4 
- 2000 Vol. 5, No. 1 &2 
with Johan Boesjes, GITC Publisher and Editor-in- 
Chief Lucas Janssen 
- Approved publication of Proceedings from the seven 
Symposia and nine other ISPRS Events as separate 
Parts of Archives Volume XXXII. 
- Established a comprehensive ISPRS Home Page 
www.isprs.org which is under constant maintenance 
by Webmaster, André Streilein 
- Published Blue Book annually, Silver Book, Orange 
Book twice, ISPRS brochure 
- Recruited and effected a smooth transition of ISPRS 
Journal Editor-in-Chief 
- Revised contract with RICS for sales of ISPRS Archives 
- Maintained the ISPRS Events Calendar for the Home 
Page and ISPRS Highlights 
Scientific Activities 
- Prepared a matrix of areas of common interest of ISPRS 
with all Regional Members, relevant international Soci- 
eties, and Intergovernmental organizations and groups 
- Increased ISPRS Memberships: Ordinary by six, Asso- 
ciate by four, Regional by one and Sustaining by 15. 
- Presented an ISPRS Statement to the UNISPACE III 
General Assembly 
- Established International Science Advisory Committee 
to enhance relevance of ISPRS scientific endeavors 
- Prepared and coordinated the donation by the American 
Society (ASPRS) and shipment by (Lockheed Martin) of 80 
sets of more than 50 “Books for Africa” each to 72 institu- 
tions in 37 countries 
- Organized two Workshops and one Seminar for the 
UNISPACE Technical Forum and compiled and pub- 
lished the proceedings as Archives Vol. XXXII, Part 7C2 
- Submitted seven scientific support proposals to UATI 
for subvention by UNESCO. Created a special WG to 
address Rational Functions, led by lan Dowman 
- Prepared and presented numerous papers, editorials, 
reports and statements 
Administration and Operations 
- Thoroughly revised Statutes and Bylaws 
- Established International Policy Advisory Committee 
(IPAC) to support ISPRS activities and relationships 
with policy advice 
- Modified almost all 18 Guidelines for improving effi- 
ciency of Society operations 
- International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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