Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

edge this contribution from the University of NSW to the 
work of the Secretary General and to ISPRS over the past 
4 years. | also acknowledge financial contributions 
totalling AUD 35,000 from the Australian Federal Govern- 
ment department AUSLIG and the Australian Remote 
Sensing and Photogrammetry Association of Australasia 
(RSPAA) to the work of the ISPRS Headquarters. 
Finally, | wish to thank the General Assembly for their 
electing me in 1996. The position of Secretary General is 
a most rewarding one in many ways, and | am grateful for 
this experience. | am sure it will provide me with an excel- 
lent foundation for the job that lies ahead over the next 4 
Report of ISPRS Treasurer to ISPRS General Assembly 
Amsterdam, July 2000 
by Professor Heinz Rüther, Treasurer 
This report of the treasurer of ISPRS together with the 
attached Income Statement for the years 1 April 1996 to 
31 March 2000 is submitted to the General Assembly for 
approval. The format of the statements adopted for the 
annual reports as well as this final report is based on the 
advice of a professional accountant. The final four-year 
statements were checked independently by a different 
registered accountant. 
The Society’s bank accounts are held in Swiss Francs and 
US$ in a branch of the UBS Bank in Zürich. The accounts 
were transferred in September 1998 from their original 
location at the Lugano branch of the same bank for purely 
logistical reasons. Communication with and support from 
the UBS in Zurich is excellent. The introduction of a US$ 
account made it possible for membership payments and 
other transactions to be carried out in this currency. The 
Society's investments were transferred together with the 
account and this occasion was used to diversify the Soci- 
ety's assets, which are now held in four different invest- 
ments. This decision proved beneficiary to the Society as 
the original portfolio in the form of Swiss Bonds, which 
showed a gain of 12 96 in the 1992-6 period, has since 
experienced a reduction in its value by approximately 696. 
Without the diversification this loss in bond value would 
have affected the Society's assets. 
The Society's assets have increased from SFr 446,499 in 
1996 to SFr 654,607 or SFr 580,710 if donations, UN 
related funds and advance payments of subscription 
dues are excluded. It must be noted that an amount of 
SFr 81,325 of these assets represents overdue member- 
ship payments owed to the Society. It is unlikely that all 
these arrears will be recovered and thus the actual worth 
of the Society is slightly lower than the amounts quoted 
The increase in the assets is principally due to four factors: 
membership subscriptions, UN Funds, donations and 
investment gains. 
- The Society's income from membership subscriptions 
has increased by 2596 from SFr 91,840 in 1996 to 
115,250 in 2000 . 
- An amount of US$ 29,917 or approximately SFr 50,000 
was received from the UN for co-sponsorships with 
ISPRS. US$ 8,037 of this was spent on a UN spon- 
sored symposium in Cotonou. The remaining US$ 
21,880 (SFr 36,000) are held in the ISPRS account in 
Zurich and can only be called upon for UN-related 
- Adonation of SFr 20,000 for the Young Authors awards 
was received from the Japanese Society. The Italian 
Society for Surveying and Photogrammetry (SIFET) 
donated SFr 2,500 for the 2000 Congress Cassinis 
There are additional donations, which cannot be quanti- 
fied, but which make a significant indirect contribution to 
the Society's assets and these are the generous accom- 
modation arrangements provided for Council during Coun- 
cil meetings and Commission Symposia. 
Income /Expense and Receipts/Payments 
Invoices were mailed to members at the beginning of each 
financial year, typically in April, and reminders to those in 
arrears were sent in September or October. The income from 
subscriptions for the report period fell short of the expected 
amounts due to non-payment. The shortfalls were 1296 for 
Ordinary Members, 1096 for Sustaining Members, 7096 for 
Regional Members and 4596 for Associate members. 
The investments have earned SFr 81,271 
Royalties received amounted to SFr 28,244, however, 
these include some amounts due from the 1992-1996 
period. Advertising in the Society's bulletin brought in SFr 
31,291 for 1997 and 1998, which was paid to ISPRS and 
used to offset costs for the publication. In June 1999 High- 
lights and its advertisement responsibilities were con- 
tracted to GITC, the new publishers of the bulletin. 
The expenses incurred are largely due to the cost of Coun- 
cil activities and the introduction and publication of the 
Society's newsletter, ISPRS Highlights. Council expenses 
amounted to SFr 232,684 while Highlights costs were SFr 
Council related expenses arise from travel, telephone, fax, 
mailing, supplies and clerical assistance. The cost for 
Council activities would have been significantly higher had 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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