Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

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develop plans for the member states of OOSA for the 
next 5 years. As well as Plenary and Committee meet- 
ings, many technical workshops were staged by interna- 
tional organisations such as ISPRS, and a major Space 
Exhibition was also held. ISPRS was provided with exhi- 
bition space free of charge and held a display of its 
remote sending activities at the Amsterdam Congress. At 
UNISPACE Ill, ISPRS presented a policy statement on 
remote sensing to the General Assembly plenary. It also 
held three events as follows: 
- Workshop on “Resource Mapping from Space" 
- Workshop on *Remote Sensing for Detection, Monitor- 
ing and Mitigation of Natural Disasters" together with 
- Seminar on "Environment and Remote Sensing for 
Sustainable Development" together with NASA 
A Special Session 'UNISPACE III Revisited' was organised 
at the Amsterdam Congress, to review the findings at the 
UNISPACE III conference. 
ISPRS has also jointly held two conferences in conjunc- 
tion with OOSA, "The 2nd UN International Conference 
on Spin-off Benefits of Space Technology: Challenges 
and Opportunities" in Florida, USA, in April 1998 and a 
meeting "Promoting Space Technology Transfer and 
Geomatics Education in Africa" in Benin, jointly organ- 
ised by ISPRS Working Group VI/3, *International Co- 
operation and Technology Transfer", the Regional ISPRS 
member, AARSE (African Association for Remote Sens- 
ing of the Environment), CENATEL, and the Benin Centre 
National de Télédétection et de Surveillance du Couvert 
UN - Statistics Division 
The Regional Cartographic Conferences, which have tradi- 
tionally been held under the auspices of the UN Economic 
and Social Council (ECOSOC), have now been transferred 
to the UN Statistics Division. ISPRS participated in a Spe- 
cial Working Group Meeting of Experts and Delegates of 
the UN Regional Cartographic Conferences held during 
March 1998 in Aquascalientes, Mexico, in a review of the 
future of Regional Cartographic Conferences. Given the 
current lack of adequate mapping in many parts of the 
world and the recognised future role of GIS, both ISPRS 
and the International Cartographic Association (ICA) have 
urged the maintenance of these conferences, since they 
play an important role in the future provision of essential 
spatial data for planning and maintenance of the environ- 
UN - Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) 
ISPRS is an accredited NGO in consultative status with 
both the New York and Vienna offices. ISPRS receives 
many reports and announcements from the Council. 
ISPRS has non-governmental organisation (NGO) Cate- 
gory B relationship for Information and Consultative Rela- 
tions, which means that it is eligible for receiving subven- 
tions for worthy projects. In 1997, ISPRS submitted a 
number of proposals for support of ISPRS activities in 
areas that were believed to be within the interests of 
UNESCO. While two of the submitted projects, on map- 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 
A = EEE 
ping of the Lalibela heritage site in Africa and on CIPA Out- 
reach Workshops, were cited to be of funding interest to 
UNESCO, none has been supported at this stage. 
UNESCO is now, once again, reviewing the Lalibela pro- 
posal and ISPRS will continue to monitor this opportunity 
for UNESCO support. ISPRS receives documentation from 
UNESCO and requests for participation in UNESCO spon- 
sored projects. 
UN - Department of Public Information (DPI) 
ISPRS has credentials for two ISPRS Council members 
and access to the UN photo library services. ISPRS has 
been co-operating with the UN Cartographer in a new UN 
Geographic Database Project initiative. 
Related International Organisations 
International Union of Surveys and Mapping and the 
Sister Societies 
ISPRS joined the International Union of Surveys and 
Mapping (IUSM) at its inauguration in 1989 and partici- 
pated in its activities until 1997, when it made the deci- 
sion to withdraw from the organisation because it was 
not satisfying the needs of the Members of ISPRS. 
In August 1999, IUSM was disbanded. However, ISPRS 
intends to continue to co-operate with the major organisa- 
tions that were IUSM members, specifically IAG, FIG, IHO 
and ICA, in annual meetings of a newly formed ‘Joint 
Board of Spatial Information Societies’. Several informal 
meetings have been held between ISPRS and these indi- 
vidual organisations, while a meeting of the Joint Board, 
including IGU, was held on Monday 17* July at this Con- 
gress, sponsored by ISPRS. The members of the Joint 
Board have agreed to hold similar meetings at their future 
international conferences. 
International Committee for Documentation and 
Architectural Photogrammetry (CIPA) 
CIPA was established in collaboration with ISPRS and 
the International Council of Monuments and Sites ICO- 
MOS). Professor Waldháusl was elected as President in 
1998. A report on CIPA activities has been provided in 
each ISPRS Annual Report in ISPRS Highlights. 
International Center of Remote Sensing of the 
Recently ISPRS signed a Memorandum of Understanding 
to work closely with the International Center of Remote 
Sensing Of the Environment. The document brings 
ICORSE into ISPRS as a Permanent Committee. As a 
result, the biannual International Symposium on Remote 
Sensing of the Environment becomes an ISPRS event. 
This agreement thus ensures de-conflicting of future con- 
ferences held by ISPRS and ICORSE and brings more 
remote sensing specialists into closer co-operation with 
ISPRS in scientific activities. 
International Council of Science (ICSU) 
ISPRS is an Associate Member of The International 
Council of Science (ICSU). An application was submitted 
in 1997 for ISPRS to become a Full Member of ICSU, but 
the approval of the application has been delayed. It is 
anticipated that this application will be successful at the 
next ICSU General Assembly in Brazil in 2002. There is 
- 2000 

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