Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

(which impacts developing countries most severely). The 
establishment of an assessment equivalent to 1096 of the 
registration fees for the ISPRS Congress and Symposia is 
estimated as almost sufficient to offset these potential 
costs. Several other measures may be taken to share the 
administrative load with positive fiscal implications. These 
include the fact that postage costs will diminish as more 
Members become linked to the Internet, and aggressive 
efforts to pursue additional Sustaining Members. Clearly, 
the Society leadership is charged with continually seeking 
new and innovative ways and means to run the Society 
and to shape and frame the future. 
Initiatives for Value Enhancement 
Value enhancement of Society activities can be measured 
by its outreach activities, be they publications, communi- 
cations or joint activities with other groups on the interdis- 
ciplinary boundaries. The “ISPRS Journal of Photogram- 
metry and Remote Sensing” and the continuing series of 
ISPRS Archive Volumes provide a permanent history of the 
S&T and other activities of the Society throughout its 90 
year history. The Society’s Bulletin “ISPRS Highlights” and 
Home Page on the Internet are now providing Members 
with timely news and Society information hitherto arcane 
to most working in the profession. These activities are 
healthy and should continue, although their form may 
change with advancements in communications technol- 
ogy. Similarly, ISPRS has good relations with its sister 
societies of ICA, IAG, IHO and FIG. However, as the 
boundaries ever increasingly blur between these and other 
related associations, it is imperative that joint activities 
become more common. It is time to seek partners who are 
willing to promote joint meetings, workshops, summer 
schools, cosponsor events of common interest, and to 
eventually create joint WGs for S&T activities which over- 
lap the disciplines. This type of joint collaboration should 
not be limited to just sister societies but also should be 
sought with intergovernmental organizations (UN, World 
Bank, ICSU, CEOS, etc.) whenever it is in mutual interest 
and economically feasible. 
A very important initiative is for the Society to formally 
establish an 'ISPRS Foundation’ for the promotion of 
deserving activities. To pursue the aforementioned goals 
and activities effectively requires the involvement of scien- 
tists and experts from all geographic regions of the world to 
be enlisted. The Society should create and enhance links 
with the developing world. Grants made available through 
the Society should be channelled for the pursuit of scientific 
and technological activities which benefit the whole 
P&RS&SIS community and its user constituencies. The 
need for education and training in our disciplines is very 
high, especially in developing regions. An ISPRS Founda- 
tion would facilitate outreach support for, and development 
of, distance learning opportunities, tutorials, workshops and 
related activities. Likewise, this ISPRS Foundation could 
Serve as a source of support for deserving scientists and 
engineers from developing countries to participate more 
fully in the educational and scientific activities of the Society. 
A committee needs to be established to create an ISPRS 
Foundation and to solicit patrons and sponsors. 
Providing an orderly development and implementation of 
this vision for the future of ISPRS requires awareness of 
the S&T relationships of ISPRS with other organizations. It 
is important to identify with whom and where overlaps of 
common interests are located. Performing this 'integration 
for value enhancement' task is necessary to determine pri- 
orities for enhancing interdisciplinary relationships, for 
developing and/or reinforcing joint activities with other 
organizations and for identifying gaps in relevant activities. 
To achieve this, two matrices have been initiated to show 
activity overlaps of ISPRS Commissions with: (a) ISPRS 
Regional Member Associations, and (b) activities of Other 
International Organizations and Societies. It is Council's 
intent to place these matrices on the ISPRS Home Page 
www.isprs.com Copies of these matrices can also be 
obtained from Council. To keep ISPRS relevant in this 
dynamic world will require continual maintenance of these 
matrices and periodic assessments of their content, for the 
Society to set proper priorities and relationships. 
The public image of ISPRS is high within its sciences and 
engineering fields but quite transparent or mysterious to 
the general public. The acronym ISPRS, let alone 
P&RS&SIS, does not do justice for promoting the benefits 
our disciplines bring to the general public. It is now the 
21st Century and it is time we improve our identity. Some 
moves in this direction include the promotion of a subtitle 
or tag-line for the Society which describes who we are and 
what we do. The most encompassing and descriptive title 
for ISPRS is "Information from Imagery." To accompany 
this bold move from tradition is the creation of a modern 
logo befitting of the Society. A marketing manager, hired 
on commission basis, could support other promotional 
efforts for enhancing public awareness of the Society and 
the disciplines and professions it represents. Such a posi- 
tion can solicit Sustaining Members, sponsors for events, 
gather materials for ISPRS exhibits, draft press releases 
and provide related publicity services. The revenue gener- 
ated from this activity should be used to avoid need for 
Member subscription increases. 
Concluding Remarks 
The ISPRS is an excellent blend of specialists from acade- 
mia, industry and government. As a Society formed to fos- 
ter international co-operation it provides a public forum for 
advancement and promotion of S&T achievements and 
challenges to be shared, debated and documented. At the 
same time, the Society provides a social opportunity for 
cultural differences to be shared and synergies to develop 
which cultivate lasting relationships for the benefit of all. 
The vision of ISPRS is to be 'the' international focal point 
for excellence in the photogrammetric, remote sensing and 
spatial information sciences. Its mission and activities all 
have altruistic roots and it flourishes on the voluntary efforts 
of its Members. It works on open democratic principles and 
it subscribes to an internationally accepted non-discrimina- 
tory doctrine. This summary vision of the future for ISPRS 
in the 21st Century is the result of a consensus of opinion 
by the ISPRS Council that began from its strategic planning 
meeting. The opportunity to enhance the Society is great 
and the resources are available. The ISPRS has a long and 
glorious history which we revere and wish to preserve, 
enhance and perpetuate. Its success is now contingent on 
the collective efforts and dedication of its Members. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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