Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

The synergy of optical data with microwave backscattering 
model for the retrieval of soil and vegetation conditions in 
heterogeneous Mediterranean environment 
TC 1-02-02 
*Tal, Svoray; Shoshany, Maxim 
Thermal remote sensing: Concepts, issues and applica- 
TC 1-02-03 
*Prakash, Anupma 
New Potential and Applications of ADS 
TC 1-02-04 
*Róser, Hans Peter; Eckardt, Andreas; von Schönermark, 
Maria; Sandau, Rainer; Fricker, Peter 
On how future low-cost remote sensing satellites could 
meet the information needs of environmental managers 
TC 1-02-05 
*Denore, Bernard 
TC Ill-02b 
Session: Surface reconstruction 
Room: Room A 
Date: 20th July 
Time: 16:00 - 17:30 
Chair: Toth, Charles, United States 
Approaches to the filtering of Laser Scanner Data 
TC 111-02b-01 
*Lohmann, Peter; Koch, Andreas; Schaeffer, Michael 
Exploiting colour for edge extraction and line segment 
stereo matching in high-resolution aerial imagery 
TC III-02b-02 
*Scholze, Stephan; Moons, Theo; Ade, Frank; van Gool,Luc 
Knowledge-Based 3D Surface Reconstruction 
TC IlI-02b-03 
*Heitzinger, David 
Simulation studies and practical tests using multi image 
shape from shading 
TC Ill-02b-04 
Heipke, C.; *Piechullek, C.; Ebner, H. 
Stereo image matching using robust estimation and image 
analysis techniques for DEM generation 
TC 111-02b-05 
*Kubik, Kurt; Lu, Yihui 
TC V-05 
Session: Visualisation and virtual reality 
Room: Room L 
Date: 20th July 
Time: 16:00 - 17:30 
Chair: El-Hakim, Sabry, Canada 
Virtualised Reality: An Application to Open-Pit Mine Moni- 
TC V-05-01 
*Boulanger, Pierre; Lapointe, Jean - François; Wong, Winston 
Reconstruction of the appearance of Schloss Herborn back 
in 1540 and its multimedia presentation 
TC V-05-02 
*Pomaska, Guenter 
3D-visualisation of leisure & tourism information based on 
remote sensing data 
TC V-05-03 
*Almer, Alexander; Nischelwitzer, Alexander 
Ground-based sensor integration for spatial data acquisi- 
tion and database development 
TC V-05-04 
*Yoshimura, M.; Shibasaki, R.; Anai, T.; Chikatsu, H. 
Development of low-cost VR systems based on real sites 
and objects 3D models 
TC V-05-05 
*Samoylov, D.; Bakhtina, T.; Grigoriev, R. 
Session: Sensor orientation 
Room: Forum room 
Date: 21st July 
Time: 08:30 - 10:00 
Chair: Agouris, Peggy, United States 
Photogrammetric resection differences based on labora- 
tory vs. operational calibrations 
*Merchant, Dean 
Integrated sensor orientation - an OEEPE test 
*Heipke, Christian; Jacobsen, Karsten; Wegmann, Helge; 
Andersen, Oystein; Nilsen, Barbi 
T.O.P concepts for sensor orientation 
*Colomina, Ismael 
DSM-based orientation technique for digital stereo photo 
*Oda, Kazuo; Doihara, Takeshi; Uchida, Osamu; Shibasaki, 
Direct georeferencing using integrated GPS/inertial exte- 
rior orientation parameters for airborne photogrammetric 
*Cramer, Michael; Stallmann, Dirk; Haala, Norbert 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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