Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

ooo Dx 2000 
the Automatic Image Orientation using GIS Data On the use of the geostatistical estimation techniques to the 
TP Ill-04-17 generation, de-bugging and analysis of digital surface mod- 
*Shan, Jeffrey els 
TP IV-06-08 
Model-Based Autonomous Interior Orientation "Delgado, Jorge; Cardenal, Javier; Gómez, Alfonso 
Air- TP 1111-04-18 
with *Seedahmed, Gamal; Schenk, Toni A system to control the spatial quality of analogue and dig- 
ital aerial images 
Comparison of Digital Elevation Data from Airborne Laser TP IV-06-09 
and Interferometric SAR Systems *Ahokas, E.; Kuittinen, R.; Jaakkola, J. 
TP 11-04-19 
ban *Sties, Manfred; Krueger, Susanne; Mercer, J. Bryan; Automatic Checking of feature and attribute consistency 
Schnick, S. of a spatial database 
TP IV-06-10 
Digital Mapping Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery ^ *Tastan, Hayati; Altan, M. Orhan 
Based on 2D Affine Projection Model 
ho- TP 11-04-21 Quality Management of a Geoinformation Utility: The 
*Ono, Tetsu; Hattori, Susumu; Hasegewa, Hiroyuki; Aka- ^ Users' Perspective 
matsu, Shinichi TP IV-06-11 
Yu, *Quiambao, Rowena 
TP IV-06 Assessment of Data Acquisition Error for Linear Features 
and TP IV-06-12 
Session: Data quality and uncertainty *Tsoulos, Lysandros; Skopeliti, Andriani 
Room: Room B 
Date: 22nd July DEM accuracy and the base to height (B/H) ratio of stereo 
Time: 13:30 - 16:00 images 
Chair: Tempfli, Klaus, The Netherlands TP IV-06-13 
*Hasegawa, Hiroyuki; Matsuo, Kaoru; Koarai, Mamoru; 
Investigation into error distribution of aerial triangulation ~~ Watanabe, Nobuyuki; Masaharu, Hiroshi; Fukushima, 
applying surface deformation theory Yoshikazu 
ning TP IV-06-01 
*Ruzgiené, B.; Vainauskas, V. Monitoring Marble Extraction in open-cast quarries 
TP IV-06-14 
Geostatistical analysis by vector space methods *Forlani, Gianfranco; Pinto, Livio 
TP IV-06-02 
*Olaleye, J.B.; Sangodina, J.O. Automated calibration of a zoom lens CCD imaging sys- 
tem for vidogrammetry 
Accuracy assessment of DTM data: a cost-effective — TP IV-06-15 
hod approach for a large-scale digital mapping project *Chen, D.; Huang, Y.D. 
TP IV-06-03 
*Acharya, Bishwa; Fagerman, Jeffrey; Wright, Clarence Geostatistics in ILWIS 
TP IV-06-16 
Data Integration and accuracy issues in digital topographic ^ *Hendrikse, Jan 
ner databases 
TP IV-06-04 Fuzzy logic analysis for modelling of natural resource 
*Rachapudi, Siva Kumar processes 
TP IV-06-17 
Usability of large scale topographic data for urban plan- — *Beek, M.A. 
The ning and engineering applications: examples of housing 
studies and DEM generation in Tanzania 
TP IV-06-05 TP V-04 
*Sliuzas, Richard; Brussel, M 
Session: Site modelling and cultural heritage recording 
| on Relationship between Spatial Resolution and terrain fea- Room: Room C/D 
ture in DEM accuracy Date: 22nd July 
TP IV-06-06 Time: 13:30 - 16:00 
wa, *Takagi, Masataka Chair: El-Hakim, Sabry, Canada 
Quality Assessment and Validation of Digital Surface Models 
derived from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 
TP IV-06-07 
*Koch, Andreas; Lohmann, Peter 
Determination of Islamic art accuracy using digital close 
range photogrammetry 
TP V-04-01 
*Ebrahim, M. A.-B. 
2000. International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. A dam 2000. — 2471 

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