Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

3l 2 
Pilot Project on a land use/land cover database in the 
Arezzo Province (Tuscany, Italy) 
TP VII-07-03 
"Napolitano, Pierpaolo; Carbonetti, Giancarlo; Zini, Enrico; 
Bocci, Michele; Miozzo, Marcello; Petri, Paolo 
Land use and its dynamic studies with Landsat images in 
the watersheds of the Xilin River, China 
TP VII-07-04 
"Wang, Pengxin; Gong, Jianya; Chen, Xiaoling; Li, Feipeng 
Monitoring Urban Dynamics for Bratislava in 1949-1997 
TP VII-07-05 
*Patikova, Alice; Kemper, Gerhard 
Combining Geographical Information System and multicri- 
teria evaluation to deal with land use problem 
TP VII-07-06 
*Daoud Brikci, Hichem 
Investigation of the distribution of vegetation in Turkey by 
using remote sensing data and GIS 
TP VII-07-07 
*Seker, Dursun Zafer; Musaoglu, Nebiye; Kaya, Sinasi 
Change Detection for Urban Spatial Databases Using 
Remote Sensing and GIS 
TP VII-07-08 
*Darvishzadeh Varchehi, Roshanak 
GIS and remote sensing techniques applied for land use 
suitability study 
TP VII-07-09 
"Ippoliti, Gabriela; Mortara, Magaly O.; Rezende, Ana C.; 
Simoes, Mauricio S.; Valerio Filho, Mario 
Environmental characterisation and land use development 
in the Ribeirao Vermelho watershed in Lavras (MG) Brazil 
TP VII-07-10 
*Resende, R.J.T.P; Alves, H.M.R.; Andrade, H.; Rebelatto, 
A.; Esteves, D.R. 
The utilisation of the Geographic Information System in the 
environmental problems evaluation of Itajuba City 
TP VII-07-11 
*Grilo, Roseana; Foresti, Celina; de Freitas Viadana, Maria 
Isabel C. 
A spatial economic and environmental computer predic- 
tive model of land use change in Thailand using a statisti- 
cal three classification approach 
TP VII-07-12 
*Felkner, John 
Integration of remote sensing and GIS in land use planning 
for sustainable natural resources management within the 
Mount Cameroon region - West Africa 
TP VII-07-13 
*Naburo, N.P. 
Remote sensing and Geographic Information System, an aid 
to selecting habitable site in Central Himalayan region, India 
TP VII-07-14 
*Sharma, S.K. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 
RE ——Á—— o 
Temporal Mapping and Spatial Analysis of Land Transforma- 
tion Due to Urbanisation and Its Impact on Surface Water 
System: A Case from Dhaka Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh 
TP VII-07-15 
*Islam Khan, Nasreen 
Land cover mapping and multi-criteria modelling for 
explaining the spatial and temporal distribution of a 
papyrus swamp at Lake Naivasha Wetland, Kenya 
TP VII-07-16 
*Bemigisha, J. 
Study of the vegetal covering and land use dynamics in the 
region of Ji-Paraná/ro using classification techniques 
TP VII-07-17 
"Andrade, Nilo Sergio de Olive; Araujo, Luciana Spinelli; 
Numata, Izaya; Filho, Mario Valerio 
Integrated analysis of changes in rice cropping systems in 
the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam, using remote sensing, 
GIS and hydraulic modelling 
TP VII-07-18 
"Kam, S.P; Tuong, T.P; Hoanh, C.T.; Minh, V.Q.; Ngoc, 
N.V.; Liew, S.C.; Chen, P. 
Spatial decision-support system to evaluate possible 
areas for the disposal of urban solid wastes in Porto Ale- 
gre metropolitan region (Brazil) 
TP VII-07-19 
*Bragança, Francisco; Loch, Carlos 
TP VII-10 
Session: Image interpretation and analysis 2 
Room: Room N 
Date: 22nd July 
Time: 13:30 - 16:00 
Chair: Drees, M., Germany 
Potential of automatic classification in alpine areas for 
supporting the update of CORINE landcover 
TP VII-10-01 
*Steinnocher, K.; Aubrecht, P.; Schmitt, U. 
The use of remote sensing in determination of the imperme- 
able soil growth in the Belem river basin area 
TP VII-10-02 
*Schmidlin, D.; Fendrich, R. 
Integration of satellite imagery and GIS for land-use clas- 
sification purposes 
TP VII-10-03 
*Silva Centeno, Jorge 
Land Cover Category Definition by Image Invariants for 
Automated Classification 
TP VII-10-04 
*Nguyen Dinh, Duong 
Estimating landscape pattern from supervised and unsu- 
pervised classification: studies in the Western Ghats, India 
TP VII-10-05 
*Nagendra, Harini 

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