Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

number dealt specifically with WG themes of integration of 
imaging technology and sensor calibration. 
The second main activity of 1999 was the annual CMSC 
Conference, held in Seattle from 26th-30th July. As a result 
of this meeting, ISPRS commenced a process by which a 
formal relationship with the CMSC could be established, in 
recognition of the prominent role played by the technology 
of close-range digital photogrammetry in the field of indus- 
trial measurement. CMSC’99 incorporated two technical 
sessions specifically for presentations related to ISPRS 
WG V/1 activities. 
Activities in 2000 concentrated upon supporting Commis- 
sion V in its organisation of the scientific programme for 
the Amsterdam ISPRS Congress, where WG V1 has two 
main technical sessions. 
WG V/2 "Integration of Photogrammetric Systems with 
by Chairperson: Jürgen Peipe, Bundeswehr 
University Munich, Germany 
Stuart Robson, City University, 
United Kingdom 
and Co-Chair: 
State of the Science and Technology 
Over the last 20 or so years, CAD systems have evolved 
from tools for computer aided drafting and the design of 
three-dimensional objects to software systems applied to 
a wide range of different tasks such as design, planning, 
manufacturing, testing, quality assurance and facility man- 
agement - i.e. CAx techniques such as CAP, CAM, CAT, 
CAQ .... Basically, CAD systems deal with the generation, 
manipulation, storage and visualisation of 3D data. They 
serve also as database for the integration of various data 
acquisition techniques, including photogrammetry. The 
interrelation between CAD/CAM and photogrammetry is 
bi-directional: on the one side, the results of photogram- 
metric processing are used for 3D object modelling in CAD 
systems, e.g. for the as-built documentation in architec- 
ture and industry, for indoor scene modelling, for visualisa- 
tion and animation. In this case, photogrammetric meas- 
urement tools are interfaced with, or integrated in, existing 
CAD systems. On the other side, CAD modelling concepts 
support the (automated or semi-automated) photogram- 
metric recognition and measurement process by providing 
a priori knowledge of the object. 
CAD-based photogrammetry may be defined as a close 
combination of CAD and photogrammetry aimed at the 
generation of 3D models containing geometry and topol- 
ogy. A variety of CAD-based photogrammetry systems 
exist offering different measurement and modelling con- 
cepts. Efficiency improvement by automation is often lim- 
ited in close-range photogrammetry due to the complex 
structure of objects. In such cases, semi-automated 
approaches are advantageous: the human operator is 
responsible for scene interpretation and CAD model 
recognition. He selects approximations of objects from the 
CAD database and ensures initial fits of the projected 
model and the imaged object. The precise object meas- 
urement is then carried out by an automatic matching 
The increasing interest in generating 3D models has driven 
the development of low-cost and user-friendly software 
Systems for image measurement and object modelling. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. —— 
These systems include photogrammetric knowledge as a 
"black box" and have been used by non-photogram- 
metrists, above all. In this way, the integration of pho- 
togrammetric tools with modelling techniques may lead to 
a closer partnering between the measurement and the end- 
user communities. 
Chapman, D., Peipe, J., Robson, S., 1999. On the integra- 
tion of digital photogrammetry with Computer Aided Engi- 
neering. Int. Arch. Photogrammetry & Rem. Sensing, Thes- 
saloniki, Greece, Vol. XXXII, Part 5W11, pp. 95-102. 
van den Heuvel, FA., 2000. Trends in CAD-based pho- 
togrammetric measurement. Int. Arch. Photogrammetry & 
Rem. Sensing, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vol. XXXIII 
Patias, P., Peipe, J., 2000. Photogrammetry and CAD/CAM 
in culture and industry - An ever-changing paradigm. Int. 
Arch. Photogrammetry & Rem. Sensing, Amsterdam, The 
Netherlands, Vol. XXXIII. 
WG V/3 ‘Scene Modelling for Visualisation and Virtual 
by Chairperson: Sabry El-Hakim, National 
Research Council, Canada 
Wolfgang Fórstner, University 
Bonn, Germany 
and Co-Chair: 
State of Science and Technology 
Virtual reality (VR) is enjoying tremendous interest from 
researchers and developers across several disciplines, 
including photogrammetrists. The applications include: 
virtual museums, historical sites documentation, map- 
ping of hazardous sites and underground tunnels (mine 
automation), as-built modelling of industrial and power 
plants for design verification and modification and virtual 
production for the entertainment industry. The problems 
include practical and precise sensor calibration, the 
automatic registration of images, the complete and accu- 
rate coverage of all details (which may require multiple 
sensors), the automation of the modelling procedure and 
maintaining realism during real-time display. Environment 
or site modelling is proving to be more difficult than 
object modelling because of the size and complexity. 
Given the application requirements, selecting and imple- 
menting the most efficient method for data collection and 
modelling is not obvious, since several methods and a 
variety of sensors exist. These vary significantly in the 
ability to capture details, cost, accuracy, speed and ease 
of use. Selecting the most suitable and efficient method, 
along with its configuration, is not easy because for some 
of the paradigms actual capabilities and limitations are 
not known. 
Over the past few years many advances have been 
made, both on the scientific and commercial sides. Many 
efforts are being made in automating feature extraction, 
matching and modelling procedures. However, success 
has been limited to image sequences, such as those 
obtained by video cameras, and simple scenes and 
objects. The model-building procedure still requires a 
human in the loop, particularly for sites and complex 
objects. Efforts in automating this procedure will rely 
mainly on advanced computer vision and scene under- 
standing techniques. Commercially, low cost photogram- 
Ee NEE ee ——————————Á Mee 

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